LXVI) Secrets.

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Percy walked back towards his friends, who eyed him suspiciously.

"What was that?" Matthew asked.

"Honestly, I have no idea." Percy plopped onto the seat next to him and Annabeth. "She was talking to someone."

"Someone.." Jason thought, "Maybe it was her brother?"

"But no one was there." Hermione said.

"Well.. her brother kind of.. comes and goes."

"Apparation?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah.. I guess. Something along those lines."


They all turned around and Jason stilled.

"Reyan.. hey.."

"We need to talk." She said.

Jason gulped before nodding.

"I didn't know they talked." Piper muttered.

"I've seen them together around school." Magnus shrugged, "He said they were camp friends."

"Camp friends?" Annabeth asked.

"Θα σου πω αργότερα." Percy said. (I'll tell you later.)

"Ξέρεις ότι δεν έχω υπομονή γι' αυτό.." She crossed her arms, frowning. (You know I have no patience for that.)




"Οὐχὶ ὡς ἔχομεν τι κρεῖττον περὶ οὗ λαλεῖν. εἰπέ μοι νῦν." (It's not like we have anything better to talk about. Tell me now.

Her lips pouted ever so slightly making Percy sigh, "Fine, you win. Let's go."

They walked off once again, leaving the others very confused.

"Jason's a demigod, son of Athena."

Annabeth's mouth was slightly agape, "So.. he's my..?"


"Why did you think keeping this from me was a good idea?" She asked, narrowing her eyes.

"It never came up." He said.

"You're an idiot."

He pouted, "Jeez, I'm trying, you know?" He crossed his arms looking away.

She rolled her eyes, "Who else is..?"

"Well.. Reyna now I guess."

"He looks stressed." She said looking over at the two.

Percy looked over as well, "He does look stressed."

"Wonder what they're talking about." She said before turning back to Percy, "Hold on, if Jason's a half blood, doesn't that mean that he could understand what we say?"

Percy shrugged, "It's not like we say anything bad.." he smirked.

"Get your mind out of the gutter."

"I didn't say anything."

She shook her head, rolling her eyes, "You can't fool me."

He took a step closer, crossing his arms, "Why not?" He asked.

"Because!" She said trying not to sound too flustered.

He chuckled, before walking back, "Whatever you say."

They walked back, close enough to Jason and Reyna to recognise what they were saying.

"Latin?" Annabeth whispered to Percy.

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