LXIV) Stop the Seriousness!

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Dumbledore told Percy to go to the nurse's office.

"Morning, Madame Pomfrey." He greeted.

Madame Pomfrey smiled at him, "Good morning, dear. You won't be doing the tests here. Headmaster wanted me to tell you how we'll do this before we start."

Percy nodded, talking a seat in an empty chair.

Madame Pomfrey sat in the chair next to him, "Are you ready to tell me what you saw?" She asked.

He lowered his gaze to the ground, shifting uncomfortably.

She nodded, "Dumbledore wanted me to talk to you about another way we can see the perpetrator." She explained, "But you'll have to relive those visions.."

Percy looked at her, his eyes widened in horror, "What? I- I can't. No. There has to be another way, I.." he shook his head, his hands starting to tremble.

"It'll be quick and painless."

His breathing became shallow, making him feel suffocated, "I- I can't go back." He muttered, "I won't."


Percy got to his feet, hastily walking out the door. The light was blinding as he tried to navigate his way outside. He needed air.

He finally stopped near a stairway, almost collapsing but he held onto the wall, steadying himself.

His trembling hands messed with the window until it opened. He gasped for air, trying to calm himself.

It's not real.

It's not real.


The voice felt so distant that Percy almost didn't hear it.

Hazel walked to his side, looking worried, "What's wrong?" She asked.

Still shaking, Percy shook his head, trying to level out his breathing. He tried to focus on the scenery that overlooked the window but he could only see the tattered terrain of the vision. Where there were trees, he saw giant rocks that spiked upwards. Where there were clouds, he saw monsters flying around. Where there were students hanging around, he saw corpses.

They were everywhere.

The sky kept flickering from blue to blood red. He felt like he was losing himself to the vision.

And a part of Percy knew that this was exactly what earth would look like if the titans won.

This is what would happen if Percy failed.

"They're not real." Hazel whispered, "Whatever you're seeing they're not real."

Percy's nails dug into the wood, hurting it but it was not enough to snap himself out of his thoughts.

Hazel noticed this and placed her hand on his.

"Relax." She said, "It's not real."

"I can't." He muttered, "They- they keep- it keeps getting worse!"

Hazel tried to comfort him as much as possible. As someone who lives among the dead for so long, she knew her way around calming herself down.

"Breath." She said, "Listen to my voice. In." Percy sucked in, "Out." He breathed out. "In. Out. In. Good. Out."

Percy slowly calmed down, her voice drowning all the thoughts racing through his head. He slid down the wall, sitting in the hallway.

Hazel sat down next to him. Though they didn't say a single word, her presence was comforting.

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