LXXXIV) Reminisce.

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She chuckled at his antics as he ran out the room once again.

Once alone, she felt herself focus more on her pain, but she pushed it aside thinking about the handsome boy that would push past the door in just a few short minutes.

Though, that's one thing about ADHD that sucks. When you want time to move quickly, it moves slower than your brain. Or maybe that was just Kronos giving her a hard time. She didn't really know.

When Percy came back 24 minutes later - she may or may not have counted - he looked rather tired.

She was now up and ready for a fight. She really couldn't handle doing nothing.

"What happened?" She asked him.

He shook his head, hugging her gently, "Just talked to Prometheus," he said, "He wants us to give up. He gave us Pandora's box, though it's more like a vase. If we open it, he'll know we're giving up and help us not get into too much trouble, I guess."

She nodded, listening to every word he said, still hugging him.

He sighed deeply, "I don't know what to do."

She pulled apart, looking at him, "You're doing great." She said, "It'll work out."

He nodded, taking deep breaths, "I need a nap."

She chuckled, "You just slept."

"I need one with you." He said, yawning. "I'll be gentle."

"You don't have to be gentle, Percy. I'm not a child."

"But you have a wound," he said, "So I'll be gentle."

There was a knock on the door and they both turned around simultaneously, "Uhh.." Will said, "I'll.. uhh.. pretend I didn't hear that." He cleared his throat, "Umm.. nevermind."

"What? What did we say?" Percy asked.

Annabeth buried her face in her hands, "Gods, Will, come back."

Will returned but refused to look them in the eyes.

"We weren't- we weren't talking about-"

"It's.. I understand.." he said, "Uhh.. yeah, stressful times.. umm.. just be protected. Can I go now?"

"We weren't talking about sex." She said, blushing.

"Sex?" Percy asked, looking at the two, "When did that get dragged into the conversation?"

"Uhh.." Will said.

"What did you come to tell us?" She asked.

"It- I can.. I can leave.. not really-"

"Just tell us."

"I just.. I saw a dog.. a hellhound." He said, "I think it's.. uhh.. Mrs O'Leary."

"Oh," Percy said, "That's it?"

"Yeah," he said, looking down.

"Okay," he said, "Tell her I said hi. Now,I need a nap."

"A nap?" Will asked.

"Yeah," Annabeth said, "Just a nap."

The confused boy walked out, not wanting confirmation to whatever he just heard.

"What was that about?" Percy asked.

She stared at the boyfriend, in awe of how clueless he could be at times, "Nothing, nothing at all."

"Oh, okay. Nap?"

Percy didn't really show it, but the meeting had strained him and taken quite the toll. It was still super early in the morning, so taking a nap right now could potentially boost his energy levels, as well as hell him relax.

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