XXVI) "I'm Related To Him?"

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Nothing was normal anymore


Annabeth was very convincing but I feel like I'm only letting her down. I still believe that I'm the heir. I'm trying not to, believe me but it's difficult.

Is this what Harry felt?

I had written back to mom, I wanted whatever she wanted. I don't really care if I meet her or not since she's not been there all my life, what's her being here now gonna do?

The days went by as normal and soon, winter break was over and school started again. Yay.

My paranoid thoughts didn't really get resolved over the months, maybe better but they were still there and living in my mind rent free.

Annabeth and I haven't told anyone about the letter since I didn't want to get more attention than I already have.

It was now valentine's day and again, it was just like any other day since there was no love in the air.

I had talked to mom much more over the months and she told me more about my grandparents.

My grandfather was a mortal man. My grandmother was a pure blood. I know, it didn't really help my case but whatever. She fell in love with my grandfather, Jonathan Jackson. My grandmother, Marie Rosier was kicked out of her home when her parents, my great grand parents, found out that she was pregnant with my mother.

She soon married my grandfather and they had my mom. They only had her though since their relationship began to fall apart after they realized mom had no powers.

My grandmother hated mom because she reminded her of the reason she wasn't part of the actual Rosier family anymore since her great grand parents had disowned her on the spot. She still kept the name though and refused to change it to Jackson and that is why the sorting hat didn't know who I was.

My grandfather loved mom a lot. He never cared for magic and he also loved my grandmother for who she was and not because of her status. The Fates love being cruel, though, and he passed from cancer after mom turned 18.

She ran away and didn't get to go to college like she always wanted because it was too expensive.

Now I know that my grandparents on both sides on my family are assholes. Yippee.

I opened the rest of my gifts later that day after everything calmed down.

One was from Poseidon and another was from Hecate. Poseidon sent an amulet with a stone in the middle. I won't lie, it was really cool. Hecate sent me a golden bracelet which was also really cool. I've been wearing both since I got them and I only had one chapter left of mom's book.

Matthew had gotten a book from his parents and a dreamcatcher from none other than Luna.

Annabeth and Hermione got books as well, and Ron got a.. sweater?

Harry got flimsy notes from his uncle and aunt but it was okay since we all gifted him something.

We all basically just gifted each other food and snacks since buying gifts was difficult from inside the school, though Ron did buy me a pair of glasses which we all laughed about.

Professor Lockhart had told us about some valentine's day celebration yesterday, after sensing the lack of spirit.

Matthew and I were walking down the hall to get breakfast.

When we walked into the hall, I was immediately blinded by the vibrant colours.

"Gods," I muttered, slowly blinking my confusion away, "Why's everything pink?"

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