The Argument and What Came of It

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"YOU ARE BEING A BITCH!" I yelled. Abby and I were having an argument. It was one of the stupid kinds where when you were at this stage of the argument, you couldn't even remember what you were arguing about in the first place. "I NEVER ASKED FOR A SISTER!" Abby yelled. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" "WHERE THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO GO?!" I yelled. "ALEX AND PINOE 'S HOUSE! CARLI AND HOPE'S HOUSE! YOU CAN GO OUT INTO THE WOODS AND GET MAULED BY A BEAR FOR ALL I CARE!" Abby yelled. "JUST GET OUT!" "FINE!" I yelled, storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me.

Third person P.O.V

Thalia quickly walked along the path that led up to the Colorado wilderness surrounding Breckenridge. "Hey, Squirt!" Megan Rapinoe yelled to her. Thalia ignored her friend. "Squirt?" Pinoe called, sounding concerned. Thalia continued to ignore her. Pinoe opened her mouth to yell again, but Alex Morgan, with whom Pinoe shared her house, held up a hand to silence her. The two women ran after Thalia, and Alex put a hand on the younger girl's shoulder. "What's up, Jedi?" she asked. To her surprise, Thalia began to cry. "A-Abby and I had a fight." she explained through sobs. "I-I don't even remember what we were arguing about. S-she said she n-never asked for a sister. S-she told me to get out of her house. W-when I asked her where I was supposed to go, she said to go to your house, or Carli and Hope's house, or to go out into the woods and get mauled by a bear for all she cared." "Thalia, she didn't mean it." Pinoe said. "You know that!" "So where are you going?" Alex said. "To the woods." Thalia said. "You don't have to do that, Thalia." Pinoe said. "Come with us. Or go to Carli and Hope's." "No, I'm going to go to the woods." Thalia said. "It always helps me to calm down when I'm surrounded by nature." "But you don't have any gear!" Alex protested. "I can summon whatever I need." Thalia said. Alex opened her mouth to argue, but Pinoe stopped her. "We can't keep her from going, Alex." she said. She turned to Thalia. "We'll try to talk some sense into your sister. Good luck, Squirt." "Thanks, Pinoe. Thanks, Alex." Thalia said, hugging both women before heading into the woods.

Thalia's P.O.V.

I walked into the woods and found a clearing by a stream. I pitched a tent, shot a squirrel, cooked it over a fire, and ate it. I then extinguished the fire and went to sleep. When I awoke, it was still relatively dark out. I went farther down the path towards the town to gather more firewood. As I was searching through the bushes, I heard a grunting right next to my right side. I turned my head to look, and found myself face-to-snout with a grizzly bear. And the bear wasn't happy. It swiped a paw at my shoulder, two-inch-long claws ripping into the flesh. I had no choice but to run. I had a med kit in my tent, if I could only make it there, I'd be okay. I collapsed on the ground by the charred remains of last night's fire, too weak to go any further. I'm going to die out here. Was my last thought as the world faded to black.

Third Person P.O.V.

Abby woke up with a horrible feeling. It was guilt and dread mixed together. She had this feeling that something had happened to Thalia. she threw on some clothes and hurried to Alex and Pinoe's house. "What's up, Abby?" Pinoe asked. "Have you seen Thalia lately?" Abby asked. "Not since yesterday." Alex said. "Where'd she go?" Abby asked. "To Carli and Hope's?" "No." Pinoe said. "To the woods." "Shit." Abby said. She ran out of the door. "Abby!" Alex called after her. "Abby wait!" Alex and Pinoe ran after Abby, and found her at the head of the trail. She was clutching the locket that Thalia had given her. "Thanks for the memories." she whispered. The locket glowed green, and a green trail illuminated on the path. Abby, Pinoe, and Alex followed the green trail until they found blood splatters on the ground. Abby's breath hitched. "Oh, fuck. No. No. This is not good. Not good at all." she said. She broke into a run. The three women reached a clearing to find it empty except for one thing: Thalia, lying on the ground, unconscious, her right shoulder a bloody mess. "No." Abby gasped. "No! THALIA!" they rushed to Thalia's side. "A bear made those wounds." Alex said. "And they look fresh." Abby cocked an eyebrow at her. "How did you...?" "Don't ask me how I know, I just know." Alex said. "You need to get her to a hospital fast." fifteen minutes later, Thalia was in the operating room. Abby waited outside, head in her hands. The door to the operating room opened, and Abby leapt up from her seat. "Is she alive? Will she be okay?" she asked. "The operation was a success." the doctor said. "She will be fine, but she probably won't wake up for another two days or so." "Thanks, doctor." Abby said. She drove home, where Alex, Pinoe, Carli, and Hope were waiting. "Pinoe and Alex told us everything." Hope said. "Is she going to be alright?" Carli asked. "She's gonna be alright." Abby said. "But our relationship probably isn't." "What do you mean?" Alex asked. "She's going to hate me." Abby said. "No, she's not, Abby." Pinoe said. "You weren't there, Pinoe." Abby said. "You didn't hear some of the things I said to her. I was a total jerk." Hope put a hand on Abby's shoulder. "You don't know that Thalia's going to hate you, Abby." she said. "When she wakes up, we'll see what happens. When is she going to wake up, anyway?" "In two days." Abby said. Two days later, Abby was sitting in the chair by Thalia's hospital bed. This is it. she thought. The moment of truth. You know what? Screw this, I'm leaving. She got up from her chair, pulled the hood of her sweatshirt over her head, and left as Carli, Pinoe, Alex, and Hope came in. Thalia woke up to see four of her best friends standing around her bed. "Where's Abby?" she asked. "She' is Abby?" Alex asked. "Damn it." Pinoe said. "She's done her thing and disappeared again. We'll go find her, don't worry, Squirt." they left, and found Abby in the waiting room. "What do you all want?" Abby asked. "Thalia wants to talk to you." Hope said. "I'm busy." Abby said. "Busy doing what?" Alex asked. "Cuz it looks like you're sitting in that chair wallowing in self-pity." Pinoe said. "The very first thing she said when she woke up was 'Where's Abby?'" Carli said. "I'm not going in." Abby said. "Mary Abigail Wambach." Pinoe said, her voice dead serious. "You are going in there, and you are going to talk to your sister." Abby rolled her eyes. "Okay, mom." she said sarcastically. Pinoe ignored her. "I will give you a choice on how you want to go in there." she continued. "You can walk in on your own, or I will put you in a headlock and drag you in there. I am so not kidding." "Fine." Abby said. "Have it your way." she got up from her chair and walked into the room. A stab of guilt went through her as she saw Thalia propped up on her pillows, her right shoulder covered in bandages. "I'm here." she muttered. "Go ahead." Thalia looked confused. "Go ahead and do what?" she asked. "Get mad." Abby said. "Cuss me out. Hit me if you want. I deserve it." "No, you don't." Thalia said. "I don't blame you for this. It wasn't your fault. I should've stayed at Alex and Pinoe's. Or gone to Carli and Hope's and stayed with them. I shouldn't have gone into the woods." "But still!" Abby protested. "I put the woods idea in your head." Thalia fixed her older sister with a piercing green stare. "Abby, do you want me to be mad at you?" she asked. "No. Yes. Dammit, I don't know!" Abby said. "Come here." Thalia said. Abby walked to the edge of her little sister's bed. Thalia wrapped her arms around her older sister. "I love you, Abby." she said. "I love you too, Squirt." Abby said. "I love you too."

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