Paint Duel

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I was upstairs in the bedroom of the new house that Tobin and I had gotten, drawing a mountain scene on the walls. "Jedi?" Hannah asked, coming in. "Yeah?" I asked, looking up from my drawing. "Tobin said I should come help you." Hannah said. "Alright." I said. "I'm doing a mountain scene on this wall, and beach scene on this one." I gestured to the respective walls. Tobin's favorite place, other than the soccer pitch, was the beach, while mine was the mountains. "Cool." Hannah said. "So what can I do to help?" "Are you any good at drawing beach landscapes?" "Sort of." Hannah said. "Hmmmm..." I said. "I'm almost done color coding the mountains, so you can start painting while I start sketching the beaches. "Okay." Hannah said, picking up a brush and starting to paint. I sketched out the beach scene, then pulled out my phone. "I've got the Wicked soundtrack on my phone." I said. "Wanna listen to that?" "Sure." Hannah said. "Good choice." I grinned. "I have something to ask you." Hannah said. "What's up?" I asked. "It's for a video." Hannah said. Hannah had a USWNT YouTube channel, where there were videos of the team just having fun. "Yeah?" I asked. "Either you and Tobin have a huge Star Wars duel in the backyard, or we go around town and challenge random people to duels and I video it." Hannah said. I grinned. "Both!" I said. "We can do a skit or something with me and Tobs." "Okay." Hannah said. "We can tell Tobin later." "She gets to be the Sith lord." I said. "I'll be her captive, then I'll get out and we'll duel. This is gonna be great!" "We can call it 'Star Wars Around Portland.'" Hannah said. "When do you wanna film it?" "I dunno." I said. "Maybe tomorrow. Sometime this week." I put the finishing touches on my painting, then went over and did the same with Hannah's. "Perfect." I said. "Now: let's go get Tobs!" I grinned mischievously and handed Hannah a paintbrush. We both walked downstairs, our paintbrushes behind our backs. "Hey, Hannah." Tobin said when she saw us. "Hey, babe. All finished?" "Yup." I said. I smirked, and mouthed 'now' to Hannah. "Uh oh..." Tobin said. Hannah brought her brush from behind her back, splattering the older middy's clothes with paint. "Ha! Got you!" she yelled. I smeared her face and neck with paint, while Hannah got Tobin's ears and hair. Tobin escaped and ran out into the backyard. "Oh no you don't!" I yelled, chasing after her and tackling her to the ground. I sat on her back and painted her arms. An evil smirk grew on Hannah's face, and she ran upstairs, coming back down with paintbrushes and the buckets of paint we'd used to do the room. She started painting Tobin's feet and legs. "Hey, let me up!" Tobin protested. "Stop! That tickles!" Hannah ignored her and continued painting. Tobin wriggled out from under me and grabbed Hannah, holding a paintbrush to the younger girl's throat like a knife. "Hey!" I yelled. "Give her back!" "NEVER!" Tobin yelled. "JEDI HELP!" Hannah screamed. "Let her go!" I yelled. "We'll have a duel!" "Then let us duel!" Tobin said. she released Hannah and we brandished our paintbrushes at each other. "Take of thy shirt, knave, so that I may see where I have marked thee!" I demanded. "Aye, woman!" Tobin said, taking off her paint-splattered shirt and revealing her rock hard abs. I took off my own shirt and threw it to the side, displaying my own abs. "To the death!" I yelled. "To the death!" Tobin yelled as well, swinging her brush and hitting me with paint splatters. I ran forward, swinging my brush and leaving a long smear of paint on my girlfriend's side. "AHHH, I'VE BEEN HIT!" Tobin yelled, swinging her brush and hitting me in the chest. "You bastard!" I cried, clutching my chest and falling to the ground. "Thou hast given me a more serious wound than I hast dealt thee!" "Aye!" Tobin said, clutching her stomach and likewise collapsing. "This... this is not the last thou hast seen of me!" I cried, struggling to get up. "Thou hast not seen the last of me either!" Tobin yelled, also struggling. I lunged forward and gave Tobin a stripe of red paint across the throat. "Take that, thou painted maypole!" I yelled. "Goodbye..." Tobin said, 'dying'. "I... am... victorious..." I said, before 'dying' too. "Nice job, guys!" Hannah said, doubled over with laughter. Tobin and I got up and hugged. "Love you, woman." Tobin said. "Love you too, thou painted maypole." I said, smiling. 

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