Until Dawn USWNT

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Tobin's P.O.V.

I can't wait to share a room with Alex! I mean, yeah, I wanna hang with the other girls, but mainly Alex. I hear a loud crash, and jump. Hope, Carli, JJ, Press, Moe, Kling, and Alex all run in.

"What the hell was that?" I ask, freaking out.

"No clue." Alex says, walking over to me. "But calm down. Jeez, it was probably the wind." She laughs, grabbing my hand. Moe and Kling decide to go outside to investigate while the others stay put.

"I knew we shouldn't have come back." Hope sighs, sitting down on the couch.

"Pinoe and Abby dying a year ago should've told us to stay away!" Carli almost yells, sitting back down next to Hope.

"I think I should go look." Alex says. I go to say something, but she says "Alone."

"N-No." I say, hugging her worriedly.

"It was my idea to come back. I should go." Alex says more assertively. "Make sure she doesn't follow me." She says to the others.

"Please don't die." I say, pulling away from her.

"I won't, Toby. I promise." She says, pinky-promising me. I give her a kiss before she leaves. I sit down by JJ.

"She won't die." JJ says with a smile.

"I hope so." I say with a sigh. We hear another crash and a scream, which doesn't sound human. JJ and Press pull me down to the basement to hide as Hope and Carli run out into the winter.

"I can't lose them all tonight!" I yell as the basement door shuts and locks.

"We won't! They'll be fine!" Press yells back, pulling us in for a group hug.

Hope's P.O.V.

Carli and I start to run before we drop down into a mine-looking place. The mines. Maybe this is where Alex, Moe, and Kling are! I get my flashlight on my phone out and start walking through. This place seems sketchy.

"Ok, you look for Alex, I'll look for Moe and Kling." Carli says, starting to walk away.

"W-What? No!" I say, looking at her.

"I'll be ok. Gosh, you sound like Tobin." She says with a laugh, giving me a smile.

"Just, please come back to me." I plead.

"Ok. I will." She says with a smile before running off. As I start to nervously walk, I realize something: she didn't promise.

Alex's P.O.V.

I finally found Moe and Kling! We're all running away from that creepy ass Wendigo thing. We see it, and we freeze. We see Carli running around the corner, but it's too late for us to tell her to freeze. The Wendigo sees her and jumps at her.

"No!" I yell, fearing for Hope's sanity. But it's too late. The Wendigo got her and killed her. It's too graphic.

"Crap." Moe says, accidentally stepping on a twig. The Wendigo sees her, and again, kills her as well. Kling starts to break down, and the Wendigo kills her again. All too graphic. For Tobin's sake, I'm not gonna move. 

"For Tobin, for Tobin...." I keep quietly repeating to myself. The Wendigo goes away, and I see Hope crying. I grab her and bolt out of the mines and towards the house. I open the door to see them all standing still with the busted open lightbulb.

"Don't move, Baby Horse." Tobin whispers, looking at the Wendigo. Hope and I stay still, scared for our lives. It looks the other way, and Hope, JJ, and Press all run out. Tobin drags my hand out as I flip the switch, the house going up in flames, killing the Wendigo.


"And what did you see in the mines?" The man asks.

"Things I wish I could un-see." Alex says, shaking her head.

"She died." Hope says, crying hysterically.

"And what did it look like?" He asks.

"Our worst nightmares." We all say, holding each other's hands as one group. "And we'll never forget what it did."

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