Unsettled Part 1

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Prompt: a week before the the world cup finale, Japan kidnaps Alex Morgan to mess with Hope's head. The torture her, so Hope has to save her.

"Miss Solo?" the receptionist asked. "Yes?" I replied. "This came for you." the receptionist said, handing me an envelope. "Thank you." I said, puzzled. I opened the envelope to find a note written in Japanese. "Yo, Tobin!" I called to the tan middy. "Where's your girl?" "In our room, probably." Tobin said. I went up to Tobin and Thalia's room and knocked on the door. "Hey, kiddo." I said when the tiny forward opened the door. "Whatcha need, Hope?" Thalia asked. "Do you know Japanese?" I asked. "I can read and write it, but not speak it." Thalia said. "Why?" "I got a note in Japanese, and I can't read it." I said. "Can you translate it for me?" "Sure." Thalia said. I gave her the note and she sat down at her desk, pulling the Sacred Object, her multi-purpose notebook, from her bag. She opened the book to a fresh page, and started writing, muttering to herself as she went. "I should have it translated by dinner." she said. At dinner, I noticed that my girlfriend, Alex Morgan, wasn't there. Thalia handed me a piece of paper covered in her neat handwriting. "Read it aloud." Syd encouraged. I'd told the team about the strange envelope. "Dear Miss Solo." I read. "You may have noticed something missing. That something may be vital to your winning the World Cup. If you are still confused as to what we took, solve the puzzle." "Puzzle?" Abby asked. "Was there anything else in the envelope?" I took the envelope out of my pocket and upended it over the table. A bunch of squares fell out, clearly parts of a photograph. Thalia used magic to put them together in the correct order. It was a picture of Alex. She was tied to a chair and gagged, bruises and cuts covering her body and tears running down her face. Her ocean blue eyes were full of pain and fear. "Alex..." I whispered, my fingertips brushing the photo. "Hope, there's another note for you." Jill said, coming into the room and handing me another envelope, which I handed to Thalia. She took out the piece of paper, scanned the neat rows of characters, and nodded. "If you want to see your girlfriend again, come to this address for a clue about her location." she translated. "Not until tomorrow." Jill said firmly. "Thalia, Tobin, Abby, Carli, Hope, and Christie, you will go. Bring knives and rope, but for now, just get some sleep."

Requested by: DetroitHollywood

PART 2 COMING SOON! In the meantime, keep the requests coming in the comments, and if you want more lemons, don't be afraid to ask.

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