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Abby's P.O.V.

I was worried. I was going to tell the team that I planned to retire, and I didn't know how they'd take it, especially Thalia. She'd still have Tobin and Hope and Carli and Alex and Pinoe, but I was something more to her. I was her older sister, the one who'd been there for her from the beginning, the one who always cheered her up and had her back. Jill and I called a team meeting, and the team trickled into the conference room. "Guys, I've made a decision." I said. "I've had a really successful career, and I love you all, but it's time to hang up the cleats. I'm retiring after our last victory tour match." Thalia got really quiet, and got up, walking out of the room. "We should give her some space." Cap said when Tobin got up to go follow her. "Just leave her. Let her have some time to herself." Tobin nodded, and sat down. Pinoe got up and gave me a bear hug, nearly knocking me over. "DOG PILE!" Syd yelled, and the rest of the team jumped on me, making a huge pile on the floor, everyone laughing. After everyone got off of me, I texted Thalia.

Hey. Where are you? ~Abby

In my room. ~Thalia

Ok. I'm coming up. ~Abby

Ok. ~Thalia.

I walked up to the room that Thalia shared with Tobin, and opened the door. Thalia was sitting on the bed, and I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her. Thalia wrapped her arms around me as well, and buried her face in my chest. "Do you have to go?" she mumbled. "Believe me, Squirt." I said. "This is as hard for me as it is for you. I don't want to leave you all, but I'm thirty five for god's sake! I gotta quit sometime." "But why now?" Thalia asked. "Come on, Squirt." I said. "I'm not leaving yet. Not until after the last victory tour match." "But I'm gonna miss you." Thalia said. "You taught me to play. It was your 1v1 matches with me that made me as good as I am." "I'll come to the games." I said. "And I'll Skype in with pep talks." "Promise?" Thalia asked. "Promise." I said. "Now come on. It's dinner time." "I love you, Abby." Thalia said as we got up. She was still clinging to me like a koala. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "I love you too, sis." I said. 

I'm not ready for tomorrow. Abby's been my role model and one of my favorite players ever since I started following soccer, and I don't want her to retire.

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