Believe: A Different Point of View (Lara)

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This is the story Believe told from Lara's Point Of View Enjoy!

I paced around my room like a caged animal. I'd been texting Thalia all day, and she hadn't responded. My phone buzzed, and I practically pounced on it. Hey. Thalia said. Thalia Galadriel Skywalker, I have been texting you all day! Where the hell have you been?! I asked. I got kidnapped! Give me a break! Thalia said. Well, what happened? I asked. I was walking home from school last night after auditions and I got grabbed, tied up, and shoved in the back of a van. Thalia said. Damn girl. I guess Tobin will come for you soon. I said. I hope. Otherwise I'm probably gonna die here. Thalia said. A thought struck me. What if Tobin kidnapped you? I asked. She wouldn't do that. Thalia replied. I wasn't convinced. What if she did cuz she loves you? I asked. She wouldn't. Besides, it can't be her. Thalia said. It could be. I said. No it can't. I can hear them. They're all men. Thalia said. Damn. Well, Tobin will be there soon. Don't worry. I said. I hope so. They've beaten me twice already. Thalia said. Dammit. I said. Well, I deserved it the second time. Thalia said. I facepalmed. The older girl had a tendency to be a bit of an idiot at times. What'd you do? I asked. I tried to escape, then cussed 'em out when they caught me. Thalia said. I had to admit, I was impressed. Not many people would do that. Damnnnn. I said appreciatively. It was a bit of an idiotic move. But hey. I was pissed. Thalia said. I smiled. Who wouldn't be? I asked. Oh, shit. Thalia said. What happened? I asked. They're coming back in. I gotta go. Thalia said. Okay. Be careful. I said. I'll try. Thalia said. Tell me if anything happens. I said. I didn't get an answer, and she didn't text back for at least half an hour. Finally, though, she texted back. Just kill me now... she said. My heart sank. What did they do? I need to know. I said. They beat me nearly to death. I just want to die. Thalia said. My heart sank even more. She couldn't die! People needed her! Don't give up. I said. I can't do it. I'm gonna die before Tobin gets here. Thalia said. I knew Thalia and Tobin had a connection. I could feel it somehow. She will come. You can do this. I said. I can't. I'm going to die. Thalia said. No you're not. I said firmly. Thalia was a strong girl. she could survive this. I'm in too much pain. I want to die. Thalia said. Fight through it. I said. I can't. They're coming in again. I can't do it. Thalia said. About thirty minutes later, she texted me again. The message sent a stab of horror through me. They beat me again. I'm dying. Listen. If you meet Tobin, tell her she was my hero, and that I died thinking about her. Can you do that for me please? And...if they ever find my body...make sure I'm buried in my USWNT jersey. she said. You're not gonna die. You're not dying. I said. Yeah. I am. I'm sorry that we never got to meet, but you've been a great friend. Thanks for that. Thalia said. I took a deep breath, and did something that I hadn't done in a while. "Dear God." I said. "I know I haven't prayed a lot recently, but if anything I've done in your name has counted for anything, please grant me this. Thalia is dying. She's been kidnapped and they've beaten her multiple times. Please, send someone to save her. We've never met, but we're best friends. Please don't let her die." at once, a sense of peace settled over me and a voice sounded in my head. "Your selflessness pleases me, Lara Kaylen." it said. "I will send someone to save your friend." I sent a quick prayer of thanks, and then texted Thalia. You won't die. I'm sending someone to watch over you. A guardian angel will save you. I know it. I said. The guardian angel...Do you think it'll be...her? Thalia asked. I was pretty sure that the "her" Thalia was talking about was Tobin, but I wasn't sure. It could be. If you believe. I said vaguely. I don't know what to believe in anymore. Thalia said, and I could almost hear her sigh as she wrote the text. I was losing her. Believe that you'll be safe. Text your friends and family. Tell them to call for help. If you want, put a video on Wattpad or somethin. I said. I couldn't let her slip away from me. I've always counted on my strength. But it's failing me. I'm weak, just when I need to be the strongest. Thalia said. I sighed in frustration. This wasn't about her physical strength, it was about her spiritual strength. You can do this. Pretend Tobin and all the USWNT members are inside your body. Pretend they need you. Pretend that everyone you love and care about need you to save them. I said. But I can't save them. I can't even save myself. They chose the wrong person to count on. A fifteen year old girl who's too weak to save herself, let alone them. Thalia said. I sighed again. She still wasn't getting it! C'mon, Lara! Think! An idea struck me. Imagine that they have me, ok? Imagine they have me and Tobin pinned to the ground with guns to our heads and knives to our throats and we need you. Just pretend, ok? I said. I was getting desperate now. I had to keep her alive. I can't hold on much longer. I can literally feel myself slipping away. Whoever you sent to watch over me better get here quick. Thalia said. I had a feeling that whoever it was that had gone to save Thalia was almost there. They will. Trust me. Just stay calm and keep thinking positive. I said. I hear footsteps. Is it her? Thalia asked. It could be. You'll never know. I said. Someone's at the door to my cell. If it's not her, I'm screwed. Thalia said. It had to be her savior. It had to. It'll be someone who'll save you. I said. There was a period of about ten minutes where Thalia didn't answer, and I grew worried. Then, my phone buzzed with a text. It's Tobin! Thalia said. I was shocked. I knew Thalia and Tobin had a connection, but I never believed that Tobin would be the one to save my friend's life. Are you fo shizzle? I asked. Yeah! She came to save me! I...I believe now. I can do this. I nearly cried, I was so happy. She believed! She was going to live! Was Tobin the one you sent? Thalia asked. I smiled. I guess she was. :-) I said.

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