The Tenth Circle of Sports Hell

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Sooooo... in Literature class, we were reading Dante's Inferno, and for those who don't know, in a nutshell, it's this medieval poet dude having a midlife crisis and he tries to get to heaven but he can't get to heaven cuz he's done bad stuff so this other (dead) poet dude comes and takes him through hell and there are nine circles of hell and they get out of hell at the very end by climbing up Satan's leg hair, but anyway, we were assigned to do a project where we had to create a circle of hell, and write a canto (chapter) about it, so my circle is the Tenth Circle dedicated to blind referees, and my guide is brandi chastain and i thought i'd share the canto with y'all so here it is. :3

As my guide and I crossed over the river of tears, the sound of the tormented souls in the ninth circle faded, to be replaced by the sound of a ball hitting a foot, followed by the jeers of a crowd. As we stepped onto the shore of tiny black rubber pellets, our way was blocked by a short haired woman with stormy blue-grey eyes.

"Such a young soul," she said as she leered down at me. "One so young should remain above until the sun sets on her playing time." I cowered in fear, but my guide stepped in front of me.

"Hush, Abby." she scolded. "The child is merely curious, as you once were. Let us pass." chuckling darkly, the woman let us pass.

"What is her name, and what is her story?" I asked my guide.

"Her name is Mary Abigail Wambach." my guide replied. Upon seeing the look of recognition on my face, she smiled. "You know of her, I see." she said. I nodded.

"Leading goal scorer." I said. "Greatest Of All Time."

"And a very short temper when it comes to referees." my guide added. "Which is what is important." I became very confused.

"Why is that so?" I asked.

"You shall see shortly, my child." my guide responded. We walked across a stone bridge arching over a river of lava and into a huge stadium filled with people. Displacing two of the shades, my guide and I sat down and directed our attention to the soccer field in the center. In each of the goals stood a referee. In the penalty spot on the right stood a beautiful woman with brown hair held back by a pink prewrap headband. In the spot on the left stood another brown haired woman, although her hair was darker brown then the first woman's.

"Do you know who they are?" my guide asked.

"Alex Morgan and Carli Lloyd?" I guessed.

"Correct." my guide said. "Very good."

"But what are they doing?" I asked.

"You'll see." my guide replied. "Just watch." I once again directed my attention to the pitch. A whistle sounded, and Alex and Carli simultaneously kicked their soccer balls towards the referees. Alex's ball caught the referee full in the stomach and he dropped to the turf, wheezing. Carli's ball soared into the upper left hand corner of the goal. The referee jumped to get it, but fell short. The two women high fived, grinning. I looked hard at the referee who'd taken Alex's ball to the gut.

"I recognize him." I said.

"As well you should." my guide said. "He refereed your game against Bayless. The one you lost." my fists clenched.

"Now I remember him." I growled. "Egotistical, picky, control freak." I looked at the other referee. "And he did our MRH game." I said. "Always ten feet behind where he was supposed to be. Gave coach a yellow card for trying to keep us safe."

"And now they're paying for it." my guide said.

"Can I take a shot at them?" I begged.

"Not now, little one." my guide said, chuckling. "Your time may come, but not now. We must go on."

just so you know, Abby and Alex and Carli are basically in heaven, even though this is hell.

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