Teacher Issues

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I walked into the house that Tobin and I shared, on the verge of tears. The whole house smelled of chocolate chip cookies, which should have comforted me, but it didn't. "hey babe." Tobin called, but I ignored her and went upstairs. After closing the door and burying my face in a pillow, I let the tears flow. There was a soft knock on the door. "Babe?" Tobin asked. I didn't answer. "I'm coming in." Tobin said. I heard the door open, and Tobin walked in. "I made cookies." she said. "Your favorite--babe, what's wrong?" she set the cookies on my desk and pulled me into a hug. "My lit teacher hates me." I said. "What makes you say that?" Tobin asked. "So, we were reading a literary criticism of Othello in class today." I said. "And the criticism had a lot of difficult words in it, and she said we could use our phones to listen to music and look up anything we didn't know. So I'm doing exactly that, and she takes my phone away! And there were people on Instagram, and I know she could see them, and they were even talking about what was on Instagram, and she ignored them!" "Was this the first time something like that happened?" Tobin asked patiently. "no!" I said. "She keeps penalizing me for homework assignments that she gave when I've been playing with the team, even though the school told her that I don't have to do them and that I shouldn't be penalized! And she makes snide comments about it too! And last week, she was getting ready to explain something, and I was talking to Sam about the thing she was going to explain, and she says 'i'm going to explain this to you if thalia would stop talking.' And it would've been fine if I was the only one talking, but I wasn't! Everyone else was talking a lot louder than I was! it's not fair!" "I agree." Tobin said. "I'll talk with the school about it. In the meantime, eat. You need it." "Thanks, Toby." I said, picking up a cookie and biting into it. "You're the best."

Based on a true story. This happened to me in lit class today. It was so fucking unfair. Like, I get my phone taken away because I'm doing what you told me I could do, and other people are on Instagram, Snapchat, one girl even got a phone call IN CLASS, and they don't get their phones taken away?! Please explain this logic!

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