Revenge Part 3

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Pinoe's P.O.V.

~Time Skip: One Month Later~

We'd been tortured for a month. Servando and his goons had beaten, cut, and whipped all three of us, and raped Alex and me. He came into the room. "I've decided to set two of you free." he said. "Megan and the little one." he blindfolded me, and I felt myself being cut free of the ropes holding me to the chair. He took us up a flight of stairs and out a door. I felt cool air hit my face, and Servando took the blindfold off. "There are two of your friends over there." he said. "I'm not going to let Alex go yet, though. I don't think I'll let her go for a while." he left, and I saw Thalia next to me, unconscious. I picked the tiny forward up, cradling her in my arms, and started walking towards the two figures. As I came closer, I saw that the two figures are Abby and Tobin. "Ma'am, are you okay?" Abby asked. "Abby, it's me." I said. "Pinoe."

Tobin's P.O.V.

I was out walking with Abby. We did this often since Thalia disappeared a month ago. Thalia's absence had hit both of us hard. I saw a figure coming towards us. The person was very clearly female, and was holding another, smaller, female figure in her arms. Both figures looked vaguely familiar. "Ma'am, are you okay?" Abby asked. "Abby, it's me." the figure said. "Pinoe." Pinoe. Abby hadn't recognized her because she was in such bad shape. There were cuts and bruises all over her face and body, and she was so thin, I could count her ribs. If this was Pinoe, then I realized that the person in her arms was Thalia. "Where have you been?" I asked, taking Thalia from Pinoe's arms. "Servando kidnapped us three." Pinoe said. "Thalia, Alex, and me." "Servando?" I asked. "Alex's ex." Pinoe said. "That explains what he wanted with you, but what did he want with Thalia?" Abby asked. "Well, she was with me when I tried to keep Servando from kidnapping Alex, and then later he said that he was punishing us by beating her." after she answered this question, Pinoe collapsed on the ground, unconscious. We rushed the two women to the hotel we were staying in, and found Dawn, who immediately took them into the health room to get them patched up. After dinner, Abby and I went to see them, accompanied by Carli, Hope, Cheney, and Arod. Thalia was awake, but Pinoe was still sleeping. "Hey, Thalia." I said, smoothing back her wild, tangled mess of hair. "Alex." the tiny forward rasped. "What?" I asked. "Alex!" Thalia said. "He still has Alex!" "Calm down, kiddo." Hope said. "Jill's filed a report with the police. They're looking for her." this seemed to calm Thalia down a little. It was a bit disheartening to see the strong forward in such bad condition, though. Like Pinoe, she was painfully thin and covered in cuts and bruises. I was suddenly filled with anger at Servando. How could he do this to someone so young? I suppressed my anger, however, and turned to Arod. "Hey, Arod, can I borrow your hairbrush?" I asked. Arod nodded, and handed me her pocket hairbrush. I flipped it open, and began brushing all the mats and tangles out of Thalia's hair, braiding it when I was finished. "It's gonna be okay." I said. "We're all going to be okay. Even Alex."  

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