Hidden Love (Moe X JJ)

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Prompt: Can you do one with Moe and JJ where moe is the least liked person on the team, and the team always verbally and physically abuses her and JJ finds an interest in moe and moe really likes JJ but they don't know that the other likes them and then Moe hears JJ talking to Tobin about her love for moe and then moe ignores JJ and stuff like that and then they get together

JJ watched sadly as Moe sat down on the locker room bench, wincing. Blue and black bruises stood out on the youngest midfielder's pale arms. Moe was bullied by the team, both physically and verbally. Tobin and Cheney were her only friends. JJ never took part in bullying Moe because she had developed feelings for the smaller girl. She couldn't see why anyone would hurt Moe, who, with her small build, soft brown hair, and wide brown eyes, reminded JJ of a puppy. Moe noticed JJ watching her, and gave the other woman a sad smile before leaving the locker room. Tobin clapped a hand on JJ's shoulder. "What's up, JJ?" she asked. "I love Moe, Tobin!" JJ blurted out. "Good." Tobin said, nodding approvingly. "The poor kid needs someone in her life who loves her." JJ nodded, and the two women went up to dinner. Throughout the meal, Moe pretended that JJ didn't exist, though the older woman was sitting next to her. When she was done eating, Moe stood up and walked out of the dining room. "Go follow her." Tobin whispered to JJ. JJ got up and followed Moe to a cliff overlooking the sea. "Did you mean it?" Moe asked when she saw JJ. "Did I mean what?" JJ asked, confused. "What you said to Tobin in the locker room after training." Moe said. JJ blushed. "You heard that?" she asked. Moe nodded. "Did you mean it?" she asked. JJ sat down next to Moe. "Yeah." she said quietly. "I did." she leaned in towards Moe, and Moe closed the gap between them. "I love you, JJ." Moe said. "I love you too, Moe." JJ said.

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