Found Out (Morgan Brian X Meghan Klingenberg)

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Prompt: Or like with Moe and Kling where nobody knows about them and suddenly Thalia sees them kissing and threatens to tell the team if they don't come out.

Morgan Brian's P.O.V.

"Come on, Moe!" My girlfriend, Meghan Klingenberg said, pulling me along. We'd been dating for a few months, but hadn't told the team yet because we knew we'd get teased. "Whoa, Kling!" I said. "What's the rush?" "I found this really cool place!" Kling said excitedly. "What's so great about it?" I asked. "I'll show you when we get there!" Kling said. We took the elevator up to the top floor of the hotel where we were staying, and Kling pulled me up a flight of stairs to a door marked "roof". She opened the door, and we stepped out onto the flat grey surface. The sun was setting, painting the sky with beautiful shades of red, yellow, orange, and pink. "Wow." I said. "This is beautiful." "Yeah, it is." Kling said, but she was looking at me. I shoved her shoulder. "That was cheesy." I said. "But it was true." Kling countered. "I love you, Kling." I said. "I love you too, Moe." Kling said. We leaned in and kissed. It was perfect until we were jerked back to reality by a familiar voice. "Well, that just happened." it said. Kling and I whipped around to see Thalia standing by the door. "Thalia!" Kling gasped. "What are you doing up here?!" "Well, I came up to get a nice view of the sunset." Thalia said. "I wasn't expecting to get a nice view of you and Moe sucking face as well." Kling and I both blushed red. "Shut up." we muttered in unison. "Please don't tell the rest of the team, Thalia." Kling begged. "You know we'd never hear the end of it if they knew we were dating." Thalia thought for a moment. "I'll give you two a choice." she said. "Either you two come out to the team, or I'll tell Pinoe. And you know how Pinoe is when people are dating. Plus, I think you two are her current OTP, so if I tell her, then the whole team will know in about five seconds." "Can you give us time to think about it?" I asked. "I'll give you till next Saturday." Thalia said. "And I promise to keep my mouth shut about this until you tell me your decision, but if you don't give me an answer by sunset on Saturday, I'm telling Pinoe. Deal?" "Deal." Kling said, and we all shook on it. The three of us sat together on the roof and watched the sunset, and then went downstairs for bed. "So, do we want to tell the team ourselves, or do we want Thalia to tell Pinoe?" I asked. "I dunno." Kling said. "If we tell the team ourselves, we'll get teased, but nowhere near as much as we'll get teased if Thalia tells Pinoe." "I know, but I don't want them to find out at all." I said. "Me too, but we both know that's not gonna happen." Kling said. "We've got till next Saturday to make a decision." I said. "Let's think about it until then." the week passed faster than either of us would have liked, and on Saturday evening, Kling and I were back on the roof, watching the sunset. "I thought you two would be up here." Thalia said coming through the door to the roof. "So, what'll it be?" "We'll tell the team ourselves." I said. "You know, you're really lucky in terms of how this worked out." Thalia said, sitting down on the other side of Kling. "How do you figure?" Kling asked. "Well, you're lucky that I was the one who found you, and not anyone else." Thalia said. "And you're also lucky that I found you when I did. A few more weeks, and the team would've noticed something was up and locked you two in a closet like we did with Hope and Carli." "Yeah, I guess you're right." I said. We watched the sun set over the skyline, then went down to bed. The next morning, Thalia caught us as we went down for breakfast. "I'd do it at breakfast." she said. "It's easier than trying to call a team meeting." "Got it." Kling said. As soon as the whole team was assembled in the breakfast area, we stood up. "We just wanted to tell you all that we're dating." Kling said. Everyone cheered. "I KNEW IT!" Pinoe yelled. "I KNEW IT!" "Who else knew?" Syd called out. "Thalia." I said. "You told her before you told the rest of us?!" HAO asked indignantly. "No, I caught them sucking face up on the roof last Saturday." Thalia said. "Kling practically begged me not to tell you all, so I gave them the choice of telling you themselves or having me tell Pinoe, so they chose this option." Kling and I sat down, and I gave my girlfriend a quick peck on the cheek. "You know, just because we know you're dating now doesn't mean you have to be disgusting." Syd pointed out. "Shut up, Syd." Kling and I said in unison.

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