Revenge Part 2

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Thalia's P.O.V.

I woke up to something cold dripping down my face. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't move my arms or legs. I struggled to get free, but I couldn't get out. "I'd stop trying if I were you, little one." a voice said. "You won't be able to get free." I finally opened my eyes, and saw that I was tied to a chair in a dimly lit room. Alex and Pinoe were tied to chairs next to me, and both of them were awake. The man who Pinoe had identified as Servando was standing in front of us. "What do you want with us?" Pinoe demanded. "I want Alex's love back." Servando said. "My love was never yours to begin with!" Alex snarled. "Let us go!" "I don't think so, sweetheart." Servando said. "Don't. Call. Her. Sweetheart." Pinoe growled. "Or what?" Servando laughed. "You'll hit me? I don't think you can do that in your position. Untie the little one from the chair." the goons untied me from the chair and threw me to the ground. My wrists and ankles were still tied together, so I couldn't escape. "Have at her, boys." Servando said. "I want to hear what it sounds like when she screams." "You sick bastard!" Alex yelled. "She hasn't done anything!" "No, she hasn't." Servando said. "It's you and Megan who have done me wrong. It's you two who should be punished. And what better punishment exists than seeing your best friend being tortured right in front of you?" "No!" Pinoe yelled. Servando just smiled, a cold, cruel smile. "Go to, boys." he said. The goons surrounded me, and one of them kicked me in the stomach repeatedly. Instinctively, I curled into a fetal position as more blows rained down on me. "Can we use the bag now, boss?" one of the goons asked. "Go right ahead." Servando said. Two of the goons picked me up and cut the ropes off my wrists and ankles. "Fight!" Pinoe yelled. "Fight them, dammit!" "I can't." I said. The goons pinned me down on a table and fastened my wrists and ankles to the cold, metal surface with cuffs. They heaved a bag up onto the table next to me. The lead goon, the one who I'd incapacitated during the fight in the lobby, dug around in the bag and pulled out a long knife. He positioned the tip of the knife on my cheek, next to my right eye. "Not there." Servando called out. "We don't want to ruin her pretty face." the goon grunted in acknowledgement, then moved the knife down to my torso. He cut away my t-shirt, leaving my torso exposed. He slashed the knife across my abdomen, leaving a long cut. I bit my lip to keep from crying out in pain. The goon smirked. "You're a tough one, aren't you?" he said. "Well, we'll have you screaming and begging for mercy by the time we're done with you." "NO!" Pinoe yelled. "Stop! Let me take her place!" "Pinoe, no!" Alex and I yelled at the same time. "I can take it, I promise!" I said. "Besides, Megan, we have something else planned for you and dear Alex." Servando said. The goon stabbed me in the side, and, again, I bit my lip to keep from screaming. Finally, Servando intervened. Or at least, that's what I thought he was doing. "That's enough, boys." he said. "Now, get the juice. It's time to clean her wounds." two of the goons went out of the room, and returned with a tub of lemon juice. They soaked a cloth in the yellow liquid and began to clean the dried blood off my torso. This time, I could not keep from whimpering as the pain from my wounds increased tenfold. Once they finished, they tied me to the chair again. "That's all until tomorrow." Servando said. 

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