Unsettled Part 2

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The next morning, the six of us who were going to rescue Alex woke up bright and early. We backed backpacks of essentials like water, food, phones, chargers, flashlights, extra batteries, money, our pocket knives, and rope. Thalia packed the Sacred Object so we could communicate with non-English speakers. "Ready for the off, ladies?" Jill asked as we came down to the lobby. "Yup." I said. "Let's do this." we grabbed coffee (Mountain Dew in Thalia's case) and pastries from the hotel's coffee shop, and started off. The address took us to a park, where we were met by a Japanese man in dark clothing, who handed us a piece of paper. We sat down by a fountain while Thalia translated the first clue. "Well done, Miss Solo." she read when she was finished. "To get the next clue, find our equivalent of your cartoons, and give your name." "'Our equivalent of your cartoons'?" Christie asked. "What does that mean?" Tobin and Thalia exchanged a look, and grinned. "Anime!" they said together. "There's an anime shop over there." Tobin said, pointing. We walked over to the shop, and I went to the counter while Tobin and Thalia went over to examine the merchandise. "Hello." I said to the man at the counter. "I was told to give my name here. Do you have anything for Hope Solo?" the man nodded, and gave me another piece of paper. Thalia and Tobin paid for the stuff they'd picked out, then we sat down at a bench outside. "You're doing great so far." Thalia read. "You must have the perseverance of a samurai. Speaking of Samurai, your next clue will be at the spot where they were often trained." "Thank the lord for Google." Abby said. "It says that parts of a Samurai's training included sword training, archery, unarmed combat, and meditation. Meditation often took place at a temple." "There's a really old temple here." Thalia said. When we arrived at the temple, another black-clad man gave us another clue. My heart was soaring. We were flying through these. We would find Alex in no time.

~Time Skip: Two Days Later~

"This is your last clue." Thalia read. "Well, it's not much of a clue. Go to this address, and you will find your girlfriend there." "Hear that, Hope?" Carli said, putting a hand on my shoulder. "We're almost there." I grinned. I would see Alex again! The address took us to an abandoned warehouse. "Split up into teams of two." I said. "Tobin and Thalia, Abby and Cap, me and Carli. Tobin and Thalia, look for Alex upstairs. Abby and Cap, look downstairs. Carli and I will look on the main floor for any rooms. Holler if you find her." we split up and started looking. "Hope!" Abby yelled after five minutes of searching. "I found her! Come down here!" "Coming!" I yelled. I ran down the stairs, accompanied by Tobin, Thalia, and Carli. "Where are you?!" I yelled. "In here!" Abby yelled back. We ran into the room and saw Alex tied to a chair, covered in cuts and bruises. "Hope..." she said when she saw me, her voice weak. "Don't try to talk, Baby Horse." I said, cutting her free from the ropes. "Don't waste your energy." I picked her up, cradling her against my chest. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and we kissed. "Let's get her outside." Cap said. "I brought a first aid kit. We can use that to patch her up until we can get back the hotel and have Thalia do a full heal on her." we took Alex outside, and Cap used a roll of gauze to stop the bleeding in Alex's cuts. The younger girl had fallen asleep in my arms, so the trip back to the hotel was silent. Thalia healed the blue-eyed woman, and the next morning she was up and at it again, her normal, happy self. She said that whoever it was that kidnapped her had done it to mess with my head. She didn't know who'd done it, but at this point, I didn't care. She was safe, and that's all that mattered.

DetroitHollywood, you're welcome for this. This story was a bit out of my comfort zone with the Alex/Hope pairing, because I've never thought of them as a couple, but it was really fun to do. I guess it wasn't really out of my comfort zone, tho, because I enjoy doing hostage stories. Fun fact, in real life, the Sacred Object is my fanfiction notebook, so that aspect of the story was based on my life and my terminology. Anyway, thanks for reading, and keep those requests coming!

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