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Prompt: Please do one where its Alex Morgan, Tobin Heath and Thalia together and Thalia gets hurt in a soccer game so then Tobin and Alex have to take care of her!.? PLEASE!?!?!??

It all happened so quickly, and Alex Morgan saw it all. Her friend and fellow USWNT forward, Thalia Skywalker, and a defender from the opposing team went for the ball at the same time. The defender stepped on Thalia's ankle, whether it was deliberate or not was unclear, and both women went down. The defender got up. Thalia didn't. The team gathered around the fallen forward, and Alex rushed out with the trainer, Dawn. "Are you alright?" Tobin asked her small girlfriend. "I-I think so." Thalia said. "My ankle hurts like hell." "Try standing up." Dawn instructed. Thalia did so, but as soon as she put weight on her left ankle, she swore loudly and collapsed again. "I can't put any weight on it." she said. "It hurts too much." Tobin put her shoulder under Thalia's left arm, and Alex did the same on her right. Using her friends as crutches, Thalia was able to limp over to the sidelines. "Hey, Coach!" Tobin called. "Can you take me out so I can stay here and make sure Thalia's alright?" "Sure." Jill Ellis called back. "And send Arod in for Thalia, please." Alex called. "I want to do the same. Besides, Arod has played in fewer games than I have." "Can do." Jill said. "Tobin, who do you want to go in for you?" "Send Moe in for me." Tobin said. "She hasn't gotten as many minutes as she deserves this season." "Alright." Jill said. Moe and Arod got sent in, and Dawn came over to where Tobin, Thalia, and Alex were sitting. She propped Thalia's left ankle up on an empty water jug. "This is going to hurt, Thalia." the trainer warned. "There's nothing I can do about it. Let me know when you're ready." Thalia took Tobin's hand. "Alright." she said. "I'm ready." Dawn started probing Thalia's ankle, which earned her a string of obscenities in many different languages. "Are you finished, Dawn?" Tobin asked. "Yes. I am." Dawn said. "Alright." Tobin said. "Jedi, I love you, but I think you're cutting off circulation in my fingers, so I'm going to have to ask you to let go." Tobin said. "Sorry." Thalia said, letting go of Tobin's hand. "I didn't know you even knew that many languages." Alex said. "I knew you were multilingual, but not that multilingual." "The only words I know in half of those languages are swear words." Thalia said. "What?!" she protested when she got an odd look from Tobin. "I get bored on long bus rides!" Tobin and Alex laughed. "So, what's the diagnosis?" Tobin asked. "Well, I can't be sure until I get her to the doctor, but there's a very good chance that her ankle is broken." Dawn said. Alex and Tobin both winced. "If it is broken, though, it's most likely not too serious." Dawn continued. "So it will only take a couple months to heal and you'll be back on the field before you know it. We'll get you to the hospital after the game. Thalia, do you want me to get a pair of actual crutches from the locker room, or would you prefer to continue using Tobin and Alex?" "As much as I love these two, I think a pair of actual crutches would be easier." Thalia said. "Alright." Dawn said.

Thalia's P.O.V.

Dawn went into the locker room, and returned with a pair of crutches, which we got adjusted to my height. After the game, Alex and Tobin accompanied me and Dawn to the hospital. An X-ray confirmed that my ankle was broken, but it was just a hairline fracture, so it would heal quickly. I got my cast on, and we left the hospital. "Tobin, while my leg is healing, I think we should sleep in separate beds." I said. "It'll give both of us more room." "Agreed." Tobin said. "Also, you're going to need to pee before going to bed, because now that you're crippled, I'm gonna have to help you use the bathroom, and I'd really rather not have to do that at two in the morning." I laughed, and so did Alex. "That's as good a reason as any." Alex said. Over the next few weeks, Tobin, Alex, and I developed a system for mealtimes. All of our meals were buffet style, so I'd go up to my chair, Alex would take my crutches, and Tobin would help me sit down without collapsing. Then, the two women would get their food, then Tobin would help me get mine. There was slight variation on who was helping me when Alex was with Pinoe, but it always worked smoothly. According to the rest of the team, the only disadvantage of having me not being able to play after was, in Abby's words, having an extra coach. "We've got Jill, offensive coach, the defensive coach, the goalie coach, and the sideline coach." she complained. "You just yell at us all game long!" "Shut up, Abby." I said. "Stop acting like you wouldn't be doing the exact same thing if your ankle was broken!" Two months later, I went to the hospital with Tobin and Alex to get my cast off. "Thanks for helping me, guys." I said. "It's nothing." Tobin said. "Yeah." Alex said. "What do you think friends are for?"

Requested by: mollyaspen

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