The Confession Part 1

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It was late afternoon at the house in Breckenridge, Colorado, that I shared with my sister, Abby Wambach. The sound of the doorbell ringing broke through the silence of the house. "Squirt, get the door, will ya please?" Abby yelled from the other room. "Why can't you get it yourself?" I yelled back. "Because you're closer and I'm lazy!" Abby yelled. "Fine!" I yelled. I opened the door, and saw a familiar woman standing on the doorstep. Her brown hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and her warm brown eyes sparkled. "TOBIN!" I yelled. hugging her. "Good to see you too, Jedi." Tobin Heath said, laughing. "Jesus Christ, Squirt, don't kill the woman!" Abby said from the doorway. "Shut up, Abby." I said. "What are you doing here, Tobs?!" "Moving in with you guys." Tobin said. "Really?" I asked. "Yup." Tobin said. "Why do you only have one suitcase, then?" I asked. "I'm going to be staying with you two for two weeks." Tobin explained. "Trial period. If I can stay two weeks, and we can all peacefully coexist and not kill each other, then I'll go back to New Jersey, get my stuff, and road trip back here." I looked at Abby. "Did you know about this?" I asked. "Of course I did!" Abby said. "I wanted it to be a surprise for you. Now, you two are gonna have to share a room. That chill?" "Sure." I said. "We've been roommates countless times." "Well, this time you're going to have to share a bed." Abby said. "That still okay?" "I'm fine with it." I said. "Same." Tobin said. "Well then, why don't you two get situated, then Squirt, you can show Tobin around." Abby said. "Okay." I said. I helped Tobin carry her stuff up to my room, then led her around the house and yard, showing her where things were. "Where's that go?" she asked, pointing to the trail behind the house. "I'll show you." I said. "Come on." we walked up the trail and came to a large, flat area on the side of the mountain. "Cool!" Tobin said. "It's just like Table Lookout at the Lodge!" "I know." I said. "That's why I like it." a few days later, in the early evening, Tobin brought me out behind the house and blindfolded me. "Okay, now get on my back." she said. "Where are we going?" I asked. "You'll see." she said. I leapt onto her back, putting my arms around her neck, and she put her arms around my legs. I could feel her carrying me up an incline, then she stopped, and set me down. "Can I take off the blindfold now?" I asked. "Go right ahead." Tobin said. I took off the bandanna that covered my eyes. "Whoa." I said. On the Table Lookout, a blanket had been set up. There were electric tea lights around the blanket, and pizza and soda on the blanket. "This is awesome!" I said. Tobin laughed. "Well?" she asked. "What are you waiting for? Sit down!" I did so, and we ate. Afterwards, we were sitting, watching the sun set over the Rocky Mountains. "Thanks, Tobs." I said, quietly. "This is amazing." "It's nothing." she said, and I saw a slight blush form over her tanned cheeks. "What is it, Tobin?" I asked gently. "It's just..." she said, then paused. "Thalia, ever since Abby showed us your video, the All School Soccer one, I've had a thing for you. You're beautiful, funny, talented, kind, badass, modest, and completely immature in the best way possible. I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it: Thalia Galadriel Skywalker, I love you." she leaned down, and our lips met. I didn't do anything for a moment, but then I closed my eyes and kissed back. When we broke apart, Tobin's cheeks were most decidedly red. "I'm sorry." she said. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm an idiot." I pulled her face down, and our lips met again. "You talk too much." I said when we broke apart. "Does this mean...?" Tobin asked. "No." I said. "I actually hate you. That's why I kissed you. Of course I love you!" Tobin pulled me closer to her, then laughed. "Of course you chose to wear my hoodie tonight!" she said. I looked down at myself, and saw that I was, indeed, wearing the UNC Soccer hoodie that I had stolen from her all those years ago at training camp. "I love you, Squirt." she said. "I love you too, Tobs." I said. 

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