Believe: A Different Point of View (Tobin)

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I was sitting on my bed reading a surf magazine when an image of a girl suddenly popped into my head. She was lying on a concrete floor in a pool of blood, and the thick crimson liquid was still flowing out of her many wounds. Her t-shirt was shredded, and what was left of the t-shirt was bloodstained. She had multiple cuts and bruises all over her body, but she was still the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen. someone had to help her, and I had the feeling that I was supposed to be that someone. For some odd reason, I knew where she was and how to find her, so all I had to do was go out and save her. I grabbed two pocket knives from the dresser and slipped them into my jeans pocket, then set off. The girl was being kept in a long, low stone building on the outskirts of the next town over from mine. Before I went in, I booked a room at a hotel about a block from the building. I pulled one of the knives from my pocket and crept into the building. I was met by a couple guards, but I killed one and wounded the other, and kept going. Finally, I found the door to the room where the girl was being held. I took the key that I'd stolen from the guard I'd killed and unlocked the door. There she was, lying on the floor, blood still flowing out of her many wounds. She turned her head to look at me as I came in. One of her cheeks was bruised, but she was still extraordinarily beautiful, with bright green eyes, tan skin, freckles, and soft pink lips. I could only imagine what those lips would feel like pressed up against mine. Stop it. I told myself. You're here to save her, not date her. She might not even be lesbian! "T-Tobin?" the girl asked. "Is" oh, bless her. She knew her rescuer! I crouched by her side, moving a piece of hair out of her face. "Yeah." I said softly. "It's me." she pulled out a phone and texted someone, probably telling them that she was safe. I sat down next to her, picking her up and cradling her in my arms. "It'll be okay." I said. "You're alright now. What's your name?" "Thalia Skywalker." the girl said. I nodded. "Nice to meet you, Thalia." I said. I held her for a moment more. I could see her changing. She was looking less like a beaten down prisoner and more like a strong, capable girl. "Can you stand up?" I asked. "I-I think so." she said. I helped her to her feet, then let go of her hands. She was able to stand on her own, and even walk and run. "Good." I said. "Let's go." "What?" Thalia asked. "Let's go." I said. "I'm getting you out of here." to my surprise, Thalia shook her head. "No." she said. "I'll only slow you down. Just leave me here." I was shocked. "Leave you here?" I asked. "Leave you here, after all I went through to save you? No, you're coming with me. No protests." I took a knife from my pocket again, then went out to check the hallways. "It's clear." I said. "Come on out." Thalia walked out hesitantly, and upon seeing that the hallway was, indeed, clear, she and I set off at a brisk pace. "Where are we going?" Thalia asked. "To a hotel not far from here." I replied. "So I can clean you up and all." "There they are!" a man's voice yelled. "Get them!" Thalia and I spun around. A group of guards was standing behind us. "Can you fight?" I asked Thalia. "Yeah!" she said. "Here!" I said. I tossed her a knife, and we faced the men. They ran at us with knives of their own, but we dodged and weaved, dealing them fatal wounds. "Let's go!" I yelled, and we ran out of the building. I led Thalia to the hotel, which was about a block from her prison, and we went up to the room I had booked. "Sit." I ordered. Thalia did as she was told, sitting down on the bed. I went into the bathroom and came out with a first aid kit. I soaked a gauze pad in rubbing alcohol. "This is gonna sting." I warned. "I've been tortured nearly to death." Thalia replied. "Good point." I said. I began cleaning her wounds, gently washing away the blood and grime. When I was done cleaning, I bandaged the wounds. Thalia sighed, and I looked at her, concerned. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's just... these are gonna scar." Thalia said, looking crestfallen. "No one can love me once they see these." how could she say that? Didn't she know how beautiful she was? "That's not true." I said. "Yes it is." Thalia said. "No, it's not." I said. "I know one person already who loves you even though you're scarred." "Who?" Thalia asked. "Me." I said, smiling. "Really?" Thalia asked, as if she could hardly believe what she was hearing. I laid a hand on her cheek. "Really." I said. "I don't care if you have scars or not, you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. And I love you." I leaned in and our lips met. Thalia seemed shocked at first, but then she kissed back. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Our bodies fit together perfectly, and it was then that I knew that we had been meant for each other from the very beginning. 

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