A Suspicious Text and What Followed: Part Two

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Thalia's P.O.V.

I watched the monitors, tears dripping down my face as I saw Tobin trying to get on without me. The monitors showed me everything that was going on in the hotel, let me hear every conversation. The amount of tears running down my cheeks increased as I saw Tobin sit down on her bed and FaceTime Abby. "Hey, Tobs." Abby said. "Hey, Abby." Tobin said. "Any luck?" "No, not yet," Abby said. "We're still looking, though. So are the police. We'll find her. Don't worry." "Thanks, Abby." Tobin said sadly, hanging up. "Dammit, Thalia." she said, holding her head in her hands and beginning to cry. I started crying harder, tears streaming down my cheeks. "No, Tobin!" I sobbed, though I know she couldn't hear me. "Don't cry! Please don't!" The woman came in and smirked at me. "Enjoying the show, little one?" She asked. "SHUT UP!" I yelled, struggling against the straps that held me to the chair. "SHUT THE HELL UP! YOU ARE SICK! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO US?!" "Because I can." The woman said simply, walking out of the room again. I sat and watched Tobin cry again until we both fell asleep.

Tobin's P.O.V.

I was woken in the early morning by my phone playing "Centuries," which was Abby's ringtone. I picked it up and answered it, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What do you need?" I slurred groggily. "We found where she is, we think." Abby asked. "You what?" I asked, still not fully awake. "We found her." Abby said. "We're going in now. Wish us luck." "Good luck." I said, and hung up.

Thalia's P.O.V.

I watched the phone conversation between Tobin and Abby take place, then I heard gunshots and shouting. The woman who'd kidnapped me ran in and held a knife to my throat just before Abby and Hope ran in, accompanied by several police officers and a handful of my other teammates. "Let her go!" Abby demanded. "I don't think so." The woman said, smirking. Hope growled and took a step toward the woman. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The woman said. "In case you hadn't noticed, there's a blade at her throat, and if you try anything, I will not hesitate to kill her." One of the officers raised his gun, and the woman laughed. "Go right ahead." She said. The gunshot sounded and the woman fell to the ground, but not before there was a searing pain in my neck and I felt something warm and sticky trickle down my throat. Then everything went black.

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