A Sister's Love

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Tobin and Thalia sat on the bed in their room, cuddling, when a knock sounded on their door. "Your turn or mine?" Tobin asked. "Yours." Thalia said. "Okay." Tobin said. She got up and opened the door, revealing Abby wambach. "Oh, hey Abby." Tobin said. "Hey, Tobs." Abby said. "Can I come in?" "Sure." Tobin said. "It's Abby, babe!" she called to Thalia as she let Abby in. Abby walked into the main room and noticed a purple spot on her younger sister's neck. "Thalia, what's that on your neck?" she asked. "Uh, nothing!" Thalia said, covering the spot with her hair. "Yeah, Abby." Tobin said, casually wrapping her arm around Thalia's neck. "Don't worry." Abby wasn't taking no for an answer, though. she moved Tobin's arm and Thalia's hair, revealing several hickies. "Thalia, you and I need to talk!" she growled, grabbing Thalia's arm tightly. "Abby, stop!" Tobin said. "Ouch!" Thalia cried. "Abby, you're hurting me!" Abby pulled Thalia out of the room and dragged the younger forward into her own room, locking the door behind them. "We need to talk now!" she growled. "Sit your fucking ass down!" Thalia rubbed her arm. "That hurt!" she said. "What's wrong with you?!" "Sit your ass down." Abby ordered. "Okay! Fine!" Thalia said, sitting down on the bed. "Are you happy now?!" "Yes I am." Abby said. "Now we need to talk about this!" she pointed to Thalia's neck. "What about it?!" Thalia asked. "Why did you let Tobin do this?!" Abby demanded. "You don't see Sarah and I fucking at every moment!" "We don't fuck at every moment!" Thalia countered. "And for your information, Tobin loves me, and she likes to show me that! Maybe you should take a lesson from her on how to treat your girlfriend!" "I UNDERSTAND THAT, THALIA!" Abby yelled. "BUT I'M YOUR SISTER, DO YOU HEAR ME?! I LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS TOBIN DOES, AND I EVEN GAVE HER PERMISSION TO GIVE YOU THAT FUCKING RING! I KEPT THAT, AND HAD TO HOLD IT IN AND NOT TELL YOU SO I DIDN'T BREAK TOBIN'S TRUST!" "THEN WHY THE FUCK DO YOU STILL HAVE PROBLEMS WITH US?!" Thalia yelled. "YOU'RE TOO YOUNG TO KNOW YOU'RE IN LOVE!" Abby yelled. "I MEAN, LOOK AT MOE AND ERIC! THEY BROKE UP, AND NOW MOE IS HAPPY WITH HANNAH! SARAH AND I HAVEN'T BEEN TOGETHER FOR THAT LONG! DO YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS WHEN TOBIN SHOWED ME THE RING?! I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING TO PROPOSE!" Thalia's face showed pure anger. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT ME AND TOBIN!" she screamed. "IF YOU DID, YOU WOULD KNOW THAT SHE AND I LOVE EACH OTHER MORE THAN ANYTHING! SHE'S MY WORLD, AND I'D DIE FOR HER IF I HAD TO! AND SHE'D DO THE SAME FOR ME!" "THEN GO!" Abby yelled. "I DON'T CARE ANYMORE! JUST LEAVE, YOU FUCKING BITCH! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!" tears started to fall from Thalia's eyes. "FINE!" she shrieked. "I WILL! I THOUGHT I COULD TRUST YOU, ABBY! I THOUGHT YOU WOULD ALWAYS SUPPORT ME! BUT I WAS WRONG!" she stormed out of the room. "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Abby yelled, following her, watching her walk down the hall. "YOU ARE SO FRUSTRATING!" she yelled, slamming the door from her room. "Abby, what's wrong?" Tobin asked, coming out of her room. "Where's Thalia?" "GO AWAY!" Abby yelled at the middy. "SHE'S GONE!" "She's gone?" Tobin asked. "What do you mean? What happened to my girl?" "WE GOT IN A FIGHT, OKAY?!" Abby yelled. "NOW GO AWAY, TOBIN POWELL HEATH!" Tobin got a call on her phone and answered it. "Hello?" she asked. "What?! You're joking! You're not?! Oh no..." she hung up and turned around. "Abby?" she asked tentatively. "What?!" Abby snapped. "I said leave me alone!" Tobin was shaking so badly that she almost dropped her phone. "Abby, it's Thalia." she said. "She's in the hospital." that got Abby's attention. "What?!" she demanded shaking Tobin. "What happened?! Tell me!" Tobin started tearing up. "She went to the park and someone stabbed her. She's unconscious." "No..." Abby said, letting go of Tobin. "NO!" she screamed. The team came running out of their rooms. Tobin began crying harder. "They said...they said she might not make it!" she said. "What's going on?!" Hope asked, running over. "Tobin, Abby, it's okay. What happened?!" "No, it's not okay, Hope!" Tobin sobbed. "It might never be okay again!" "Hey, tell me what happened." Cap said, rubbing Tobin's back. "Tell mama what happened. Is it Moe? Hannah?" "No!" Tobin cried. "Thalia!" "What happened to her, Tobin?" Cap asked calmly. "She... she got stabbed!" Tobin said. "She might not make it!" "Here." Cap said, guiding Tobin into her room. "I can't lose her, Cap!" Tobin sobbed, sitting on the bed and burying her face in her hands. "You won't." Cap said reassuringly. "I might!" Tobin cried. "I can't live without her, Cap! I just can't!" "I know, Tobin." Cap said. "And you won't have to. She's fighting for you, just like Hannah was fighting for Moe." "But she's so small and young!" Tobin said. "What if she doesn't make it?!" "She'll be fine." Cap said. "But Thalia's too young to go!" Tobin cried. "She's got a career! A future with me! She can't die!" "She won't give up, Tobin." Cap said. "She'll fight to stay alive for you." "It's Abby's fault." Tobin said, wiping her eyes and getting to her feet. "What do you mean?" Cap asked. "She and Thalia had a fight!" Tobin said angrily. "That's why Thalia went out! It's all her fault Thalia's dying!" "Calm down, Tobin." Cap said. "I can't!" Tobin said. "What if it was your husband?! Or Reece or Rylie?! You wouldn't be about to calm down either!" "Shut up!" Cap growled, slapping Tobin across the face so hard that the younger woman stumbled. "Shut the fuck up. You know I'm worried about Thalia, and I would be a mess if something happened to my family!" "Then you know why I can't calm down!" Tobin said. "The girl I love is on the brink of death!" "Yes, I understand now, Tobin." Cap said. "Now let's go and check on her, okay?" "Okay." Tobin said. Cap drove to the hospital, and Tobin went up to the front desk. "Who are you looking for?" the nurse at the desk asked. "Thalia Skywalker." Tobin said. "She got stabbed and was in surgery. They said she might not live." "Ah, yes." the nurse said. "Someone else came looking for her. She's in room 142." "Who else was looking for her?" Tobin asked curiously. "I didn't ask her name, but she's still in there." the nurse said. Tobin shrugged and walked up to room 142, where she saw Abby sitting next to Thalia's bed. "A-Abby?" Tobin asked, surprised and confused. Abby turned around. "Oh, hey Tobin." she said. Her eyes were red from crying. "This is all your fault!" Tobin said angrily. "If it weren't for you, she wouldn't be here!" "I know." Abby said. "I was too harsh with her. I was just angry, and I let myself get out of control. she's the only little sister I got, and I have to take care of her. I'm sorry, Tobs. She shouldn't be here, she should be at the hotel with you." "Fine." Tobin said. "I've got to stay here with Thalia." Abby said. "After all, it is my fault she's here." "We'll stay here together." Tobin said. "Do you want the chair?" Abby asked. "I'll go find one." Tobin said. "You sit. She's your sister." she looked at Thalia's still body and noticed something. "Abby..." she said. "What?" Abby asked. "Where's her ring?" Tobin asked. "What?" Abby asked, confused. "Her promise ring!" Tobin said. "Where is it?!" "Was she wearing it when I grabbed her?" Abby asked. "Yes!" Tobin said. "She never took it off! Did you take it?!" "Of course not!" Abby said. "I gave you my blessing! The douchebag who stabbed her must have taken it." "No!" Tobin yelled. She fell to the ground, sobbing. "Tobin, calm down." Abby said firmly. "I know how important that ring was to you, but the really important thing right now is Thalia's life, not her ring." "You're right." Tobin said, calming down. A knock sounded at the door. "Come in!" Abby called. A police officer walked in. "Hello ladies." he said. "Hello, officer." Abby said. "What can we do for you?" "We found something when we were searching for the man who did this." the officer said. He pulled something out of his pocket and placed it into Tobin's hand. "Her ring!" Tobin gasped. "Thank you, sir!" "You're very welcome." the officer said. "Now, please call us when she wakes up and has the strength to talk." "Will do, sir." Abby said. "Thank you." the officer nodded, and left. Tobin clasped the chain with the ring on it around Thalia's neck. "There." she said. "All better." "Why don't you lie down next to her on the bed?" Abby suggested. "It won't hurt her?" Tobin asked uncertainly. "It shouldn't." Abby said. "It might even help her wake up." Tobin took off her shoes and got into bed next to her girlfriend. "This has been the craziest camp ever." she said, sighing. "Agreed." Abby said. Thalia snuggled up to Tobin. "Thalia?" Tobin asked. Thalia's eyes opened a little. "Toby?" she asked. "It's me, baby." Tobin said. She hesitated for a moment. "And Abby." she added. "Abby, can you go get the doctor?" "Can do." Abby said. "Thanks." Tobin said. "A-Abby?" Thalia asked. "I thought you hated me." "I could never." Abby said. "I'm sorry for all the things I said. I love you, Squirt." "I love you too, sis." Thalia said. Abby came back with the doctor. "Can I move to Hannah and Moe's room?" Thalia asked. "We have a large room already set up for you." the doctor said. "Hannah and Moe have been moved in already." "Thanks." Thalia said. Tobin carried her to the room and set her down on the bed, then got in bed with her. "Hey, Jedi." Moe said. "Hey, Moe." Thalia said. "Hey Hannah." "Hey, Jedi." Hannah said. Thalia pulled out her phone and started reading something. "Hey, Toby?" she asked. "Yes babe?" Tobin replied. "Can we get a kitten?" Thalia asked. "When we get home, baby." Tobin said. "But Tobyyyyyy." Thalia whined. "If you keep bugging me, it's not going to ever happen." Tobin said. "Now go to sleep." Thalia curled up next to Tobin and fell asleep. The next morning, when Thalia woke up, Tobin wasn't there. "Toby?" she asked. "Sorry, babe." Tobin said, coming in. "I had to step out for a minute." she was holding something behind her back. "What's that behind your back?" Thalia asked, curious. "Oh, just a box. Nothing special." "You're lying." Thalia said immediately. Tobin chuckled. "You know me too well." she said. she brought the box over and set it on Thalia's lap. "Open it." she said. Thalia did, and a small black kitten crawled out. "Oh. My. God." Thalia said. "You like it?" Tobin asked. "No!" Thalia said. "I don't like it, I love it!" she kissed Tobin passionately, but they were interrupted by the cat meowing. "What should we name her?" Tobin asked. "Kenobi." Thalia said. "It's a good name for a cat." "Babe, can I ask you something?" Tobin asked. "Sure, what is it Toby?" Thalia asked, scratching Kenobi's ears. "Will you move in with me?" Tobin asked. "I already have a place. Abby and Hope helped me pick it out." "Of course!" Thalia said happily. "I can't wait to start a life with the woman I love." Tobin smiled. "I can't wait either." she said. 

1964 words. Whoa.

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