The Old Jail (Harli)

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Carli Lloyd's P.O.V.

"Here's an idea." Abby said. It was the day before Halloween, and Abby, Hope, Thalia, and I were discussing what we should do the next night. "Let's go to the old jail tomorrow night and do some ghost hunting." "Let's not, and say we did." I said immediately. "Oh, come on Carli!" Hope said. "Don't be a chicken!" "I agree with Carli." Thalia said, which surprised me. Usually, if anything paranormal was involved, the younger woman would be the first to agree. "It's not a good idea to go in there at night on any day." Thalia continued. "But it's an especially bad idea to do it on All Hallows' Eve." Abby laughed at her younger sister. "All Hallows' Eve?" She asked. "You sound like you're from the 1800s! Why not just call it 'Halloween' like the rest of this century?" "Because there's a difference, Abby!" Thalia hissed. "Halloween is when children dress in costumes and go around asking for candy. All Hallows' Eve is when the wall between our world and the spirit world weakens. Anything can happen. And tomorrow night, not only is it All Hallows' Eve, but it's a full moon and a blood moon. This is not a good idea!" There was silence, then Abby spoke. "Well, I'm going anyway, whether you're coming or not." "Same." Hope said. "I'll come." Thalia growled. "But if either of your sorry asses get possessed, yeah I'm gonna get you exorcised, but the first thing I'm gonna say when you wake up with full possession of your body is 'I told you so!'" "Possessed?!" Abby laughed. "We're not going to be possessed, Squirt." "May I remind you why the jail closed in the first place, Abby?" Thalia asked, her tone icy. "It closed because a group of inmates killed another inmate and used his blood to successfully summon a demon. And the place was never exorcised because no holy man was brave enough to set foot in there. So yeah, actually, there's a good chance that we may be possessed." Hope turned to me. "You in, Carli?" She asked. "I guess." I said. I had a crush on Hope, and I didn't want her to do this without me with her. "It's decided, then." Abby said. "Tomorrow night at the old jail." The next night, we all met up at the jail. Thalia looked very tense, and she was carrying a staff that was as tall as she was, with a sky blue crystal on top. She was also wearing a cross necklace, which was odd. The small forward had been agnostic her entire life. "Ready to go in?" Abby asked. "No. We're not." Thalia said. "We have to pray first. Cross yourself and repeat after me: In the Holy Name of Jesus, I seal myself, my relatives, this building, and all sources of supply in the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ." We all did as we were told. "Now we're ready to go in." Thalia said. "I'll lead." We walked through the dark halls in silence, and we heard cell doors slamming above us. If at all possible, Thalia grew even more tense. Suddenly, she stopped in front of a room and turned to face us. "Run. Now." She said, her voice dead serious. I looked above the doorway, and saw the upside-down cross drawn in blood. Then I looked past Thalia into the room. There were two glowing, blood red eyes staring back at me, and they began to move towards me at a menacing pace. "Carli, run!" Thalia yelled. I wanted to do as I was told, but my legs wouldn't move. The eyes got closer. "I can't!" I yelled desperately. "I can't move!" Suddenly, someone picked me up and threw me over their shoulder, running towards the exit, following the glowing blue light of Thalia's staff. Hope. When we were a good ways away from the jail, Hope set me down on the grass. Thalia was yelling at Abby. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS A BAD IDEA!" The tiny forward shrieked at her sister. "DO YOU HAVE ANY CLUE HOW CLOSE CARLI CAME TO BEING POSSESSED, OR WORSE, KILLED?!" I was still trembling. "Are you alright?" Hope asked. "Y-yeah." I said, my voice shaking "I th-think so." Hope put an arm around my shoulders. "It's alright." She said. "You're safe." "Thanks for saving my ass back there." I said. "No problem." Hope said. I snuggled closer to Hope's warm side. The blue-eyed goalkeeper leaned down and kissed me. Then, seeming to realize what she had just done, she pulled away. "I'm sorry." She said, looking horrified. "I shouldn't have done that." I pulled her forward by the collar of her shirt, and our lips connected again. "You talk too much." I said. "I love you, Hope." "I love you too, Carli." Hope said.

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