Starting Over

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"Sorry." I said as I bumped into another woman on the streets. "It's okay." she said. I was walking away when I felt a hand on my upper arm. I was turned around so I was looking at the woman who I had bumped into. "Do I know you?" she asked. My heart skipped a beat. It was Tobin Heath. We'd been dating a number of years ago, but then she'd broken my heart and gone off with some dude. "I don't think so." I said. "No, I do know you!" she said. "We played soccer together! I remember!" she gasped. "Thalia!" she said. "Thalia Skywalker!" I pretended to recognize her for the first time. "Tobin?" I asked. "Yes!" she said. "I found you! I've been looking for you for ages!" "Why?" I asked. "I thought you forgot about me when you hooked up with what's-his-ass." Tobin's face fell. "Thalia, I'm really sorry about that." she said. "That's why I've been looking for you. I want to start over. Turns out the guy was a dick. I've really missed you, Thalia, and I know from Alex how much I hurt you. I just want a second chance." "Alright." I said. Tobin's face lit up again. "Really?!" she said. "Yeah." I said. "I never stopped loving you, Tobin. Sure, you hurt me, but I never stopped loving you." Tobin pulled me into a hug. "Thank you." she said. "I don't think you should come home with me yet, though." I warned. "Hope and Abby are still majorly pissed at you and they will kill you if you come anywhere near the house." "It's okay." Tobin said. "I can stay at a hotel for a little longer." that evening at dinner, I had a huge grin on my face. "What's up, kiddo?" Hope asked. "You've got this idiot grin on your face." "Oh, it's nothing much." I said. "I ran into Tobin today. Like, literally ran into her." Hope and Abby tensed. "What'd she say?" Abby asked. "She apologized, and asked for a second chance." "What did you say?" Hope asked. "I gave her a second chance." I said. "Why?" Abby asked. "What do you mean, why?" I asked. "Why are you giving her a second chance?" Abby asked. "She broke your heart. You cried yourself to sleep for weeks. Why are you giving her a second chance?" "Because she deserves one." I said. "No, she doesn't!" Hope said angrily. "She hurt you, Thalia!" "And I never stopped loving her." I said. "Guys, please. I've forgiven her, why can't you?" Hope and Abby sighed. "Fine." Abby said. "But we're giving her the older brother talk. An intense one." "Thanks, guys." I said. The next day, Tobin came over. "Heath." Abby said, her voice somewhat cold and stiff. "Abby." Tobin said nervously. "Good to see you again." "Come with me." Abby said. "We need to talk. You, me and Hope."

Tobin's P.O.V.

I followed Abby outside to the backyard patio, where Hope was waiting. we all sat down, and Abby started talking. "Tobin, we weren't happy when Thalia told us that she'd given you a second chance." she said. "We still remember how you broke her heart five years ago." "And we aren't likely to forget anytime soon, seeing as we were the ones who helped her through it." Hope added. "It will take some time for us to fully trust you again." Abby said. "And if you break her heart ever again, we will kill you." "Guys, I know that I'm not your favorite person right now." I said. "That's an understatement." Hope muttered. I went on, unfazed. "But I know that what I did was wrong. The guy I left Thalia for turned out to be a dick, so I guess that was karma. As soon as I left Thalia, I missed her really badly. I wanted to apologize, but she wouldn't hear me out. I don't deserve the second chance that she's given me, but I'm not going to blow it." Abby nodded. "You can go back to her now." she said. "We just wanted to let you know that this is your last chance." I sat down next to Thalia, putting an arm around her shoulder. She snuggled closer to my side, and I leaned down and kissed her gently. "They didn't give you a hard time, did they?" Thalia asked. "No, not really." I said. "Good." Thalia said, "I love you, Tobin." "I love you too, baby girl." I said.

Talexlover1371, I'm brainstorming yours. I haven't forgotten you. Chill, girl.

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