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Tobin was awoken by Thalia moving around in the bed next to her. First, she twitched. Then, she began to make odd movements that looked as if she was struggling to get out of handcuffs or bonds of some sort. "No!" she cried softly. "No! Don't do it to her! Do it to me instead!" Tobin looked at Thalia's face. The tiny forward's eyes were closed, but she was moving around and speaking. "No! No, you can't! You'll kill her! Tobin!" Tobin froze when she heard her name. Thalia's cries were becoming louder, and tears were streaming down her face. "Tobin, no!" she cried out. "No, Tobin! Please, do it to me! Hurt me! I'm the one you want! She hasn't done anything to you! Please, don't hurt her!" Thalia began to sob, tears flowing from her eyes. "Tobin!" she cried. "Tobin, no! TOBIN!" Tobin hurriedly shook her tiny girlfriend awake. Thalia's body was shaking with sobs, and Tobin wrapped her arms around the tiny forward. "Shh, it's okay." she said. "It's okay, baby girl. I've got you. You'll be alright." Thalia eventually calmed down. "What happened?" Tobin asked. "I had a nightmare." Thalia whimpered, her face buried in Tobin's chest. "Tell me about it." Tobin said. "What?" Thalia asked. "Tell me about your nightmare." Tobin said. Thalia took a deep breath, and started talking.

Thalia's Nightmare

I was in a room, handcuffed to a chair. They were trying to get me to join them, but I refused. I said I'd never betray you. I don't know who they were, or why they wanted me to join them, but I wasn't about to do it. They got pissed when I refused, and they brought you in. They gave me one last chance to join them, and I refused. they started beating and whipping you, over and over. I yelled at them to stop, but they wouldn't. They just kept on beating you and whipping you and cutting you. You were bleeding all over, and I couldn't do anything to help. You were dying, and I begged them to stop, to hurt me instead, but they just laughed and said that they already were hurting me. Finally, they stopped and let me out of the chair. I ran to your side, and you put your hand on my cheek, looked into my eyes, and told me that everything would be alright. Then you kissed me and took your last breath in my arms.

Thalia started crying again as she finished her story, and Tobin pulled her closer. "It's alright, baby girl." she said, rubbing Thalia's back. "It's alright. I'm here. I'm alive. And I'm not going anywhere."

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