Love out of Hate (Tobin X Moe)

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"Out of my way." Tobin snapped, shoving me aside. I sighed. For some reason, the older midfielder hated me, and I didn't know why. She'd shove me, yell at me for no apparent reason, and foul me during practices. I knew I should hate her for it, but I didn't. I was in love with her. I felt a hand around my shoulder, and looked up to see Lauren Cheney grinning down at me. "Come on, sweetie." she said. "Let's go eat." Cheney was one of my best friends on the team. She was like my older sister. She was also Tobin's best friend, though. Cheney guided me into the dining hall, where we got our food, sat down, and started eating. Usually, I would be talking and laughing with the rest of my teammates, but today I ate in silence. Cheney poked my cheek. "Where's my normal, happy Moe?" she asked. "Somewhere else." I said. "What's up, Moe?" Cheney asked. I sighed. "It's Tobin." I said. "She hates me, and I don't know why. And I love her, Cheney. She's a total jerk to me, but I love her." "I'll talk to her." Cheney said. "But in the meantime, can I have the normal Moe back? Please?" I sighed dramatically. "I guess." I said, but I couldn't keep a grin from spreading across my face. "There she is!" Cheney said, grinning as well. She hugged me, and all thoughts of Tobin left my mind. Later that night, I was heading back to my room after taking a walk in the woods when I heard voices from around the corner. "Tobin, why do you do this stuff to Moe?" Cheney's voice asked. "Just drop it, Cheney." Tobin's voice said irritably. "No, I will not drop it, Tobin Powell Heath!" Cheney snapped. "You're being a jerk to her, and the poor girl doesn't know why! I need an explanation!" Tobin muttered something I couldn't hear. "What was that?" Cheney asked. "Because I love her, dammit!" Tobin yelled. "If you love her, why do you treat her this way?!" Cheney demanded. "Because I was trying to convince myself that I didn't love her." Tobin said. "It's a moot point, anyway. She doesn't feel the same way about me. I'm going to bed." I heard her footsteps retreating, and I cautiously walked around the corner. "Moe?" Cheney asked. "How much of that did you hear?" "Pretty much all of it." I said. "I didn't know she felt that way about me." Cheney shook her head. "You should go talk to her about it." she said. "Her room number's 227. I'll see you in the morning." she hugged me and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "Good luck." she added. "Love you." "Love you too, Cheney." I said. I walked up to Tobin's room and knocked on the door. "I'm not in the mood, Cheney!" Tobin snapped as she opened the door. "Oh. What are you doing here, Moe?" "I wanted to talk to you." I said. I was prepared for her to reject me, but the older middy just nodded. "Come in, then." she said. I came in, and we both sat on her bed. "So what do you need?" Tobin asked. "I heard you and Cheney talking." I said. "You did?" Tobin said, her cheeks turning red. "Yeah." I said. "And I want you to know that I feel the same way about you." Tobin's cheeks turned a darker shade of red. "Really?" she asked. I nodded. "Good." Tobin said. "Because then I wouldn't have been able to do this." she leaned down and kissed me. "I love you, Moe." she said when we broke apart. "I really do. I'm sorry for how I've been treating you." "It's okay." I said. "I heard why you were doing it. I understand." Tobin wrapped her arms around me. "I love you, Moe." she said. "I love you too, Tobs." I said. 

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