Damsels in Distress

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Prompt: how about you do Alex and Thalia go to lunch when they see a strange figure and they are asked to go outside with them so they do what told and the strange man kidnaps them and Pinoe and Tobin get worried about their girlfriends and they will do whatever it takes to find them and also make it more Pinoe and Alex because I love them together in these fanfics

"Yo, Squirt, wanna go to lunch with me?" Alex asked. "Trying to steal my girl, Alex?" Tobin joked. Alex stuck her tongue at her best friend. "Funny, but no." she said. "I'm in." I said. I gave Tobin a quick peck on the lips and grabbed my jacket. "See you later, Tobin." I said, walking out the door with Alex. "So, where are we going?" I asked. "There's a nice little restaurant down the street." Alex said. "I thought we would go there." "Sounds good to me." I said. We walked down the street, talking and laughing. "Excuse me, ladies." a man said, stopping us. "Could you come with me please?" Alex and I exchanged looks, but we followed the man, who led us into a small clearing in the woods, which bordered the town. As soon as I stepped in the clearing, I felt weak and lightheaded. I fell to the ground, and just before I passed out, I saw Alex fall next to me. When I woke up, I was in a dungeon. An honest-to-goodness medieval dungeon. My wrists and ankles were chained to the wall, and Alex was next to me. I had been in this situation before, when Alex and I had played damsels in distress for a short film, but this wasn't a movie set. This was real. The man came in, and threw cold water over Alex's head, waking her. He smirked. "Damsels in distress once again." he said. "Except this time for real." he took a knife from the sheath at his side. "Now, what to do with you?" he mused.

Tobin's P.O.V.

I woke up to someone banging on my door. "Tobin, open up!" Pinoe's voice yelled. I opened the door, and found Pinoe standing outside. She was wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxers, and her short blonde hair stuck out in all directions. "Whatcha need, Pinoe?" I asked. "I just had a really crazy dream." Pinoe said. I rolled my eyes. "You woke me up because of a dream?!" I asked. "I think you'll want to hear this, Tobs." Pinoe said. "Can I come in?" "Sure." I said. We both walked into my room and sat on the bed. "So what happened in this dream of yours?" I asked. "It was like I was watching a movie." Pinoe said. "Thalia and Alex were chained to the wall of a dungeon. It looked like the scene from that one short film they were in, and I thought I was watching that until Thalia looked me right in the eyes and said 'Help us please. We can't hold out much longer.'" a chill went through me. "I had the same exact dream." I said. "This can't be a coincidence." suddenly, an image of a castle popped into my mind. I looked at Pinoe. "Did a castle just-" she started. "Yeah." I said. I gasped. "That's it!" I said. "Thalia and Alex have been kidnapped! They're being held in that castle!" Pinoe did a quick search. "The castle is about a three day's walk from here." she said. "Time to be our girlfriends' knights in shining Nikes, I guess." "Yup." I said. "Go pack a backpack. I'll pack one too and write a note to Abby so she knows where we are." Pinoe nodded and went back to her room. I pulled out a messenger bag and packed it with stuff I'd need. I also took the spare bow and arrows that Thalia kept in the closet. Finally, I wrote a note to Abby.

Hey, Abby.

Thalia and Alex have been kidnapped. Pinoe and I are going to save them. Before you ask, we have enough supplies and we know exactly where they are. I'll try not to die, but Pinoe makes no promises.


I sneaked into Abby's room and put the note on top of her phone, where I knew she'd see it, then met Pinoe at the entrance to the Lodge. "Ready to go be a knight in shining Nikes?" Pinoe asked. "Yeah." I said. "Let's go save princess Alex and princess Thalia."

Thalia's P.O.V.

It had been three days since the man kidnapped me and Alex. I'd sent a dream message to Tobin and Pinoe, but I didn't know if they'd acted upon it. We were getting weaker, the result of multiple beatings. We were both covered in cuts and bruises, and I knew that we wouldn't be able to hold out much longer. Suddenly, the door opened, and Tobin and Pinoe ran in and released us from our cuffs. Tobin pulled me into a hug and kissed me. "I was worried about you, baby girl." she said. "You should be more worried about Alex." I said. "If we don't get her healed in time, she's going to die." Tobin nodded. "Can you teleport us?" She asked, picking me up. "Yeah." I said. "Pinoe, come over here. Make sure you're touching me." Pinoe did as she was told, carrying an unconscious Alex in her arms. I closed my eyes and concentrated, and when I opened them, we were back in my room at the Lodge. "Tobin, bring me my first aid bag please." I said. Tobin set me down on the bed and grabbed my first aid bag. I opened it and took a bottle of blue liquid and a dropper from inside it. "Pinoe, open Alex's mouth." I said, drawing a dropperful of liquid from the bottle. Pinoe did as she was told, and I emptied the dropper into Alex's mouth, and then took a dropperful of the liquid myself. "She'll be alright." I said. "Don't you worry, Pinoe." 

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