Revenge Part 1

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It was Thalia Skywalker and Megan Rapinoe who heard it: a female scream of terror. Alex Morgan's scream of terror. The two women ran to the lobby of their hotel, where they saw a group of men and Alex. The forward was bound hand and foot, and being held by one of the men. "Servando." Pinoe growled, recognizing Alex's ex. "Megan Rapinoe." Servando replied smoothly. "The one who stole Alex's heart from me." "It never belonged to you in the first place!" Alex yelled. "Silence her." Servando said, and one of his goons shoved a wad of fabric in Alex's mouth. "Get her." Servando said, nodding at Pinoe. "Thalia, run!" Pinoe yelled. "Get the tiny one, too." Servando said. "We want no witnesses." "Thalia, now!" Pinoe yelled. Thalia turned and started to run, but she encountered a wall. Servando's men were closing in on the tiny forward, who clenched her fists, ready to face them. "Oh, look." Servando said, smirking. "She's going to try and fight. Noble, but stupid." one of the goons ran at Thalia, and the tiny girl leapt into action, hitting all of his pressure points. He collapsed to the ground, incapacitated. Another goon ran at the forward, who tried to punch him in the face, but he grabbed her wrist. She tried using the other hand, but he grabbed that wrist as well. Thalia tried to struggle free, but she couldn't escape his grip. "Well done." Servando said. "Bring her over here and bind her. Better gag her too. She looks as if she might bite someone." Thalia was, indeed, now trying to bite the man holding her. The goon dragged the tiny girl over to where Servando was, and bound her hand and foot. He stuffed a wad of fabric in her mouth, then tied a strip of fabric around her mouth, ensuring that she could not scream or bite. Despite being bound and gagged, Thalia still struggled, as did Pinoe. "Knock them out." Servando said. Both women were hit solidly on the head, and knocked unconscious. All three women were dragged into a van waiting outside, which drove off.

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