My Writing Process (From Request to Post)

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Many people request stories in the comments, and then bug me about when I will do them *cough cough* uswntt15 *cough cough*. I now present to you my process of writing a story from the request to the time that I post. This is not an overnight process, people.

Step One: Request

I write a oneshot, and someone in the comments gives me a request. Let's use a made up example prompt of "Thalia gets kidnapped and Tobin, Abby, and Hope have to save her."

Step 2: Brainstorming and Visualizing the Storyline

This is the most important step because if I can't visualize a storyline, I can't write the story. In this part, for the made up prompt, the things I would think about would be something like these: who kidnapped Thalia? Do they have a reason? Where is she? How is she restrained? What does her kidnapper do to her? How do Abby, Tobin, and Hope find her? If I can come up with answers to all of these and visualize a storyline, then it's on to step three. If I can't, I will apologize to the person who requested this story, tell them that I can't do it, and ask if they have any more ideas. This step can take anywhere from a day to a couple of months.

Step 3: Writing the Story

For the sake of the explanation, we're going to assume that I have come up with the storyline for this request, and I've decided to write it. This step is sometimes a two-parter, depending on when I write it. If it's a school day, the first version of the story will be written in the Sacred Object (which is my fanfiction notebook) during class. After it's down (or mostly down) in the Sacred Object, it will be typed up. If it's a weekend or I'm on a break or something, it will not be written in the Sacred Object, but it will be typed up.

Step 4: Proofreading

This step occurs after the story has been typed up. I go over the entire document and fix capitalization, punctuation, and word choice. It doesn't take much time, usually thirty minutes to an hour depending on the length of the story.

Step 5: Posting

I will go onto Wattpad, copy-paste my story into the blank story-thing, add pictures, do any last minute fixes, maybe add an author's note, fix the formatting, and post.

This is my process of writing a story, and as you can see, it does not happen overnight. I hope this provides insight. 

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