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Running through the Blue Team's woods, I heard a click. I froze. That was the wrong choice. A net swooped up from under me, and in seconds, my arms and legs were hopelessly entangled in the thick ropes. I heard voices coming closer, laughing and talking. Shit. I struggled, which just got me more tangled in the net. "Well, well, well, Hope." one of the voices said from somewhere behind me. "What have we got here?" "I dunno, Carli." the second voice said. "It looks like a little red wolf got caught in our net." "It's awfully small." the first voice mused. "Think we should let it go?" "Nah." the second voice said. "We can find a use for it." the owners of the voices came around to where I could see them. It was Hope and Carli. I struggled to get myself untangled, but was, yet again, unsuccessful. "Don't struggle, Little Wolf." Hope said, smirking as she ran her hand down my cheek. "It won't do you much good." Carli had climbed up in a tree and pulled a lever in a tiny metal box that sent me crashing to the ground. As soon as I landed, Hope pinned me down. Carli climbed down from the tree and untangled me from the net. She and Hope tied my hands behind my back and took my weapons. They put a collar around my neck that was attached to a short rope, which Hope held. "Carli, don't you have a call to make?" she asked. "I do." Carli said, smirking. She took a small communication device out of her pocket. "Hey, Tobin." she said. "We've got her, and we're heading back to HQ. Prepare yourself." I gasped. "No." I said. "No! Not her. Anyone but her!" "Sorry, Little Wolf, but she called dibs on you if you were captured." Hope said, grinning. Tobin and I had a bet on this game. Winner got bragging rights for a week, and we took bragging rights bets very seriously. Also, the loser had to wear a collar that was the color of the winner's team for the duration of the week. Hope and Carli literally had to drag me back to the Blue Team's headquarters, where Tobin was waiting, an unpleasant smirk on her face. "She's all yours, Tobs." Hope said, handing my rope over to Tobin. "Just don't go easy on her." Carli said. "I wouldn't dream of it." Tobin said. She led me down to the basement and through a door to another room. In the room was just a bed with handcuffs attached to all four corners. I gasped. "You wouldn't!" I said. "I would, and I will." Tobin said. "The others will hear!" I protested. "No, they won't." Tobin said. "The walls are soundproof." she pushed me down on the bed and cuffed my ankles down. She untied my hands and took my t-shirt off, then cuffed my hands to the bed. She undid the restraints on my ankles and pulled my shorts, then redid the restraints. Finally, she took off my combat boots and my socks. "There we go." she said, looking down at me. "Perfect." she sat down on my stomach and slammed her lips into mine, biting down on my bottom lip. I gasped, and she slipped her tongue into my mouth, where she forced my tongue to lay still while hers explored every inch of its new territory, earning a soft moan from me. Satisfied, she started attacking my neck. Tobin knew every muscle in my body and how it reacted to her, which allowed her to play me like a well-tuned instrument. She found the sweet spot on my neck with ease, and started to suck and bite on that spot. "What do you want from me?" I moaned. "I know you didn't just take me down here to fuck me!" "No, I didn't." Tobin said, smirking. She kissed up my neck to my ear. "I want information." she whispered seductively, tugging on my earlobe with her teeth. "I know you have it." "I won't talk!" I panted. "Well, then, I guess I'll have to persuade you." Tobin said. she took my bra off and started sucking on one of my breasts, her teeth teasing the tender bud while her hand played with my other breast. When she was satisfied with the state of the first breast, she turned her attentions to the other one. She eventually got tired of that, and moved down to my abs, tracing the lines in between them with her tongue and placing open-mouthed kisses on each one. I moaned and writhed underneath her. Tobin eased a knee in between my legs and started rubbing it against my clit. "Tobin, please!" I moaned. "Please what?" Tobin asked. "Please, just fuck me!" I begged. "Hmm, I don't think so." Tobin said, obviously enjoying this. "Not until you tell me what I need to know." she continued to grind against me. "Fine." I moaned. "I'll talk. I'll talk! Just stop!" "Not until you've finished telling me what I need to know." Tobin said. "The flag's in the Rocks. Under a boulder pile." I said. "Thank you." Tobin said, smirking. "Now, was that really so hard?" "Shut up and fuck me." I moaned. "With pleasure." Tobin said. She pulled down my underpants with her teeth and blew on my dripping center. She licked up and down my center before sticking her tongue into me, curling it in a "come here" motion. I screamed and swore. "Tobin, I'm close!" I said, before coming on her tongue. "I must say, that was the most enjoyable experience I've had with you in a bed." Tobin said. "You're incredibly sexy when you're vulnerable and helpless. Now, Hope's orders were to let you go once you talked." she freed me from the restraints, and waited until I got dressed again. then, she took me back upstairs. "Did she sing?" Hope asked. "Like a lark." Tobin said, smirking. "I had to get through her first, though." she moved my hair aside, revealing the hickey she had left on my neck. "Nice one." Hope said, grinning. She gave me back my weapons, and pushed me out the door. I ran back to our base. "Lemme guess." Abby said. "You got tortured again." "Yep." I said. "Who was it this time?" Abby asked. "Tobin." I said. "Are you sure you didn't just tell her where the flag was?" Abby asked. "Hell no!" I said. "We've got a bragging rights bet on the game." "I see." Abby said. "Wait. Did you get grabbed in the neck or something when you got captured?" "No." I said. "Why?" "What's this, then?" Abby asked, moving my hair and revealing the hickey that Tobin had given me. "Torture scar." I said. Abby's eyes widened. "No!" she said. "She didn't!" "Yes." I said. "She did." Abby cracked up. "Abby, it's not funny!" I said. "We need to get guards on the flags! All of them, to avoid suspicion. I'll take the boulder pile, though." "Got it." Abby said. She got the rest of the team caught up on what happened, and we all clipped headsets in our ears. "Red leader, standing by." Abby said. "Red one, standing by." I said. "Red two." "Red three." we all went to our positions. Tobin came out of the undergrowth by the boulder pile. When she saw me, she smirked. "I thought you'd be here." she said. I pulled out my Nerf gun. "You're not getting away from here alive." I growled. I shot her in the shoulder, then the leg. She collapsed. "Wow." I said, smirking. "Impressive battle skills. Now, tell me where your flag is, and I might let you live." "Never." Tobin growled. I put my gun to her head. "Fine." she said. "I'll talk. It's in the little cavern by the butt rock." "Thank you." I said, and I shot her. "This is Red one." I said into my headset. "Red seven, take over my post for me. I'm going in after their flag." "Roger that." Moe said. I saw her running through the trees, and I saluted her before darting across the boundary line. I quickly found the flag, and was running back with it when I was stopped by Ali. "Freeze." she said. "I don't think so." I said, shooting her in the stomach. She managed to get me in the shoulder as I was running away, but I didn't let that deter me. I ran down to the pitch, where Coach was waiting, and I showed her the flag. She nodded, and sounded the airhorn, signaling the end of the game. I grinned at Tobin as she came down from the woods. "I believe the bragging rights go to me." I said. 

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