Missing In Action Part 1

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Prompt: Do one where one of the girls goes missing.

"Hey, Abby." Hope Solo said. "Do you know where Thalia and Tobin are?" "No." Abby Wambach said. "I thought they were with you." "I thought they were with you." Hope said. "Maybe they went off with Arod and Cheney." Abby said. the USWNT had a day off in Germany, where the Women's World Cup was being held, so the team was scattered all over the place. "Hey, guys." Amy Rodriguez said as she and Lauren Cheney came up to Abby and Hope. "Where are Thalia and Tobin?" "They're not with you?" Abby asked. "Nope." Cheney said. "Haven't seen them since breakfast." "This isn't good." Hope said. "We should ask around the team." Arod said optimistically. "Maybe Thalia and Tobin went off with someone else." "Maybe." Abby said doubtfully. The four women asked around the team, but no one had seen Thalia or Tobin since breakfast. By 9:00 PM, they still weren't back, and the team was starting to get worried. Abby's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out. "Oh, no." she said. "What?" Hope asked. "What is it?" "Look." Abby said, handing Hope her phone. There was a picture of Thalia and Tobin tied to chairs and slumped unconscious. the text message underneath read: if you want to see your friends alive again, come to this address, and there will be someone with a clue for you. But do hurry. Their time is running out. "Maybe this is another thing like Coach did in Canadia." Hope said. "We'll have to ask her." Abby said. They went down to Coach's room. "Hey, Coach, are you setting up another scavenger hunt like you did in Canada?" Abby asked. "No." Jill Ellis said. "Why?" Abby showed Jill her phone, and the older woman's expression turned grave. "This is not good." she said. "Abby, take Hope, Carli, Pinoe, Alex, Arod, Cheney, and KO and go to the address. All of you bring your pocket knives, and dress in black. At least one of you should bring rope, too." "Yes, Coach." Abby said. She gathered all the other women and relayed Jill's instructions to them. "Get ready and meet me outside the hotel." She said. About ten minutes later, the "Rescue Squad", as Hope had named them (or the "Crystal Gems", according to Pinoe), were gathered outside the hotel. "Everyone ready?" Abby asked. "Yeah." The Squad replied. "Can we sing our theme song?" Pinoe asked. Alex slapped her girlfriend upside the head. "Come on, Pinoe!" The blue-eyed forward scolded. "This is serious!" "Let's go." Hope said. "We've got some teammates to save." 

Requested by: EmilyJohnstone8

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