Don't Leave

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Tobin was out grocery shopping, leaving me at home alone. I logged onto Twitter, and was totally unprepared for what I found there.

Tobin deserves better than a slut like you.

You're not even talented.

You're so ugly.

I went to Tobin's page to try to escape the negativity, but, if possible, that was even worse.

You know your "girlfriend" is using you for your fame, right?

She's not even pretty or good at soccer.

You deserve someone better. Like me.

I started tearing up. They were right. I was worthless. Kenobi must have sensed a change in my mood, because she tried to crawl into my arms. I set her on the bed and left the room, locking the door behind me so Kenobi couldn't follow. I went down to the kitchen, where I grabbed a knife and put it to my wrist. I took a deep breath. No turning back. I slashed the knife across my wrist and fell to the ground. Goodbye, Tobin. I thought. I love you. And I'm sorry. I closed my eyes and waited for death.

Tobin's P.O.V.

As I drove home, I got the feeling that something wasn't quite right. I drove a bit faster, and walked into the house. "Thalia, I'm home!" I called. There was no response. I shook off my worry. Thalia had been a bit quiet for the past couple of days. I walked into the kitchen and was greeted with a sight right out of a horror movie. Thalia was lying on the floor, eyes closed, blood flowing out of a cut on her wrist. Judging by the bloody knife in her right hand, she had inflicted the wound herself. I set the groceries on the counter and rushed to her. I felt her right wrist, and was relieved to find a faint pulse. I grabbed a dishtowel and pressed it to her bleeding wrist. "Please don't die on me." I murmured. "Please, don't leave me." I called 911. "911, what is your emergency?" the voice on the other end asked. "My girlfriend just tried to kill herself." I said. "We will send an ambulance." the operator said. "What is your address?" I gave her the address, then tied the towel around Thalia's bleeding wrist. I looked around the ground floor for something that could be used to bandage Thalia's wound. I came up with a roll of prewrap and a roll of duct tape. I wound the prewrap tightly around the cut, and secured it with duct tape. At that moment, there was a knock on the door, and I went to answer it. "Hello." the paramedic said. "Hi." I said. "She's in the kitchen." I ran and carried Thalia back to him. "Can you save her?" I asked. "We will try our best." the paramedic said. "What's your name?" "My name is Tobin Heath." I said. "Hers is Thalia Skywalker." "We will call you when we have news on her." the paramedic said. "Thanks." I said. The paramedic nodded, and carried Thalia to the ambulance. As soon as he left, I got to work. I put the food in its place, and scrubbed Thalia's blood off the floor. Once I was finished, I walked up to our room. A loud meowing and scratching came from behind the door, which was locked. I unlocked it, revealing a very annoyed-looking Kenobi. I scooped her up and sat down on the bed, cradling the black kitten in my arms. "Why did she do this, Kenobi?" I asked. "Mew." Kenobi said sadly. "She seemed so happy." I said. "Meow." Kenobi said, squirming out of my arms, leaping onto the bedside table and meowing at Thalia's phone. I picked it up and looked at it. It was open to my Twitter page, and I was shocked at the amount of hate directed at Thalia. "So this is why she did it, huh?" I asked. "Meow." Kenobi said. My phone rang, and I answered it. "Miss Heath, this is the hospital." the voice on the other end said. "We have news on your girlfriend." "Is she alright?" I asked. "Yes." the voice said. "She's out of surgery, and she will live. You can come see her." "Can I bring her cat with me?" I asked. The voice sighed. "Yes." he said. "Ok." I said. "Thank you." I arrived at the hospital and almost ran up to Thalia's room. "You're in luck, miss Heath." the doctor said. "She just woke up." I walked into Thalia's room, set Kenobi down on the bed, and slammed my lips into hers. When we broke apart, and I hugged her tightly, crying into her shoulder. She was crying into my chest. "You scared me." I said. "Don't do it again. Please." "I won't." she said. 

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