Chapter 2- Caspar.Seriously?Again.

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Caspar got his small, apartment key from his pocket and stuck it in the lock. I let out a chuckle as I saw him attempting to unlock the door and fail miserably. Suddenly the door flew open and Caspar's eyes widened with fright. My laughing filled the whole apartment block. I heard a cute laugh on the other side of the door.

"Oh god, Caspar. Seriously? Again." The voice said still laughing. I couldn't see who this person was yet. Caspar glared at him before gently pulling me in front of him.

"This is Hazel, my cousin." He said with a big grin on his face. The man on the other side of the door smiled and hugged me.

"I'm Joe, Caspar's roommate. Nice to meet you!" Joe said. I would be lying if I said Joe wasn't hot but nothing could happen between us because I know Caspar would never allow it. He stepped a side to let us into their small apartment.

"Um, Caspar where am I going to sleep?" I questioned Caspar. He face palmed himself before sighing. 

"Sorry but you'll have to stay in Joe's room, he has the bigger room and there isn't enough room in mine."

"No, it's fine I'll just sleep on the couch!" I said, not wanting to take up Joe's room.

"No, it's fine, I mean if you're okay sleeping in my room then I'm fine with it." I looked into Joe's eyes to look for the lie of the situation but there was none. Just sincere happiness. I nodded my head and Joe led me to his room.


I placed my lilac bag on one side of the bed while Joe sat on the end of the bed.

"So, you don't seem to talk much." I blushed at his comment and looked up from my piles of clothes.

"I...Um...I do but..."

"But you don't really know me, I get it. It's fine- wait is that YouTube jumpers- and phone cases?!"

"Uh...yea sorry I don't have any of yours. I've never really seen any of your videos apart from collabs with Caspar" Joe let out a hearty laugh before shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it. So um you can sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the couch upstairs or on the floor."

"NO! Please don't just take your bed I really don't mind."

"But I want you to be comfortable, you're the guest."

"Well if you don't mind we could just share...the bed"

"Sure!" Joe smiled at me before running upstairs to Caspar. Why did I ask that?! Joe is a hot boy and he's going to be in my bed but not only is he hot he is also my cousins best friend and roommate, this can't happen! 

I spent the next 30 minutes putting away all the crap that was stuffed in my bag. Once I finished I jogged up the stairs to find Joe watching TV alone.

"Where's Caspar?" I asked Joe, kinda startling him. 

"He's just filming a video." I nodded and slouched onto the couch next to Joe. We spent a while watching TV until I felt the jet lag start to kick in. I tried to keep my eyes open but somehow Joe's arm had found it's way on my back and was gently rubbing my back in a circle pattern. My eye lids dropped and I was put into a deep slumber, clueless as to what will happen if Caspar found us... 

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