Chapter 3- What the hell?!

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I woke up to the sound of shouting. I no longer felt the touch of Joe's arm on my back and to be honest it made me feel lonely. I tried my best to open my eyes but I still felt the dawned jet lag. I gently rubbed my eyes before turning over. I opened my eyes to see Joe and Caspar having a heated argument about something.


"Caspar, mate, calm down she fell asleep like that."



I was shocked that Caspar started to shout at Joe because we were watching TV, I'm sorry for falling asleep but it's not my fault I need to cuddle something when I sleep!

"You like her don't you...OMG YOU DO!" Joe's face dropped and looked at Caspar.

"Why would you think that?! I barely know her?! I DON'T LIKE HER!" I suddenly felt my heart drop. I wasn't sure why, maybe it was that time of the month but I felt betrayed and hurt. I couldn't help but let out a little sob and both their heads turned to me. I quickly wiped my eyes not wanting them to see me cry even though Caspar had seen my cry a million times.

"NO! I didn't mean like that Hazel, I mean like-"

"I should go!" I cried quickly grabbing my phone and purse before running out the apartment. 

In the distance I could hear their shouts but I kept moving.

"YOU MADE MY COUSIN CRY, YOU DICK!" I heard Caspar shout at Joe.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I heard Joe shout back then the apartment door slam shut. I stopped running and just slouched down the wall. I thought they had just left me, not even attempted to come for me. I felt someone sit next to me on the hall floor. I looked over to see Joe.

"I don't want to talk to you and I'm sure you don't want to talk to me!" I said giving Joe the cold shoulder.

"Please Hazel, at least let me explain why I said that."


"Well, I just didn't mean as in like like you, you get me? I, of course, like you as a friend but I just..." I looked at Joe and saw his genuine sadness. I looked into his glossy eyes. I felt him come closer and I didn't know what to think about it. Maybe he's going to hug me? Or...kiss my cheek? Oh god.  So, I have never kissed anyone or dated anyone but I mean that's normal for a 20 year old..right?

"It's o-okay J-Jo.." I whispered as he came closer to me. Just as his lips brushed against mine I heard a loud cough.

"Excuse me but Joe weren't you saying you didn't LIKE my cousin?!" Caspar. Of course. Of Fucking Course. Joe jumped away from me and gave me an apologetic look before once again breaking my heart.

"I don't! I wasn't going to do anything! I don't like her Casp- like at all?!"


"'re- I've only known you for a few hours but you have already hurt me- twice and you made the worst impression!" I whispered with tears streaming down my face. How is this a thing? I've known him less than a day and he has already torn me apart and made me feel new feelings.

"H-Hazel I-I'm so sorry I didn't-"

"Stop Joe," I turned to Caspar to avoid eye contact with Joe ", I'm going to get my stuff then I'll find a hotel or something I can stay at then you can come see me." Caspar looked at me pleadingly. I got up from the floor and made my way to my bag. 

I shoved all my things into my familiar lilac bag before I stormed out of the apartment and ran past Joe and Caspar. 

 I quickly ordered an Uber on my phone and within minutes it took me to the nearest hotel. I payed the kind driver and booked a room to stay in for the next few days. On my way to my room I got many glares from adults, probably because they were wondering why a 20 year old was by herself with tear stains down her cheeks  in a random hotel in London, But it's a long story to explain. When I got in my room I threw my bag across the room and collapsed onto the bed, letting out a long sigh I didn't know I had been holding in. My phone buzzed again with Caspar's caller ID but I wasn't in the mood to chat at 9 PM at night after all that happened. 

I got changed into my PJ's before hopping into bed and reminding myself about what happened today.

I saw my cousin who I haven't seen for most of a year then made plans to sleep in the same bed as his best friend/ roommate who is extremely hot. Then I ended up snuggling with him then getting shouted about then told I was basically nothing to him and then a lot of running and crying then an almost kiss then more shouting, running and crying. Then I got an Uber to this random hotel and people glared at me. And now I'm sitting in bed thinking about the day.

Well Shit.

I did not expect this to happen the first day I come to Caspar. I'm not sure why I'm so annoyed at Joe because I barely know him and he doesn't need to say he's my friend because well... he doesn't know me! I'm such an idiot. I made a big fuss over nothing.

I can be a right pain in the ass sometimes and by sometimes I mean 99 % of the time I mean 100% of the time.

I guess I'm gonna have to make some apologies to some people tomorrow.

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