Chapter 69 - Preparation

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A/n: that's my gold eye shadow of my make up today I'm so proud of myself, lmfao. 

Joe's POV

I wrote a very brief note to Hazel and left it on the kitchen counter with some flowers. I feel bad about leaving Haze all the time but it's important. I mean I'm doing this for her. I can just tell she's upset with me because I'm never around anymore but there's a lot of stuff to plan for the proposal. I managed to get Luke to fly over for a weekend, this weekend. Which means I have to propose this weekend. Oh god.. I also managed to get Lily, Troye and her parents to fly over on the same day as Luke. I was going out to buy the ring then I'm meeting up with the guys for singing lessons. Sure it sounds stupid but it's important we don't sound like drowning rats. Josh agreed to film for us and it will be going on my main channel. I'm almost 100% sure fans are gonna be there and see the proposal but I guess that's kinda good, right? 

I followed my phone's directions to the nearest Jewelry shop. As I walked through the door I felt the small shop's owner's eyes on me. I walked up to him at my own steady pace. I coughed and placed a hand on the glass counter.

"Uhm, excuse me. I would like to buy an engagement ring..."  I looked the man across the counter dead in the eye. He seemed so serious until his straight face turned into a smiley face. I smiled back at the happy man. 

"Of course so over here you can see our collection. It goes from cheapest to most expensive." Just looking at the prices made my eyes widen. After browsing at them for a few minutes I decided on a silver thin ring with a jem on the top with an infinty surrounding it. 

"I'll have that one, please.." I pointed to it and the man nodded. He put it in a box and led me over to the till. As I was paying the man started to ask questions.

"So when are you gonna propose?"

"Uh, this weekend..I'm getting all of mine and her friends involved. I'm trying to make it special for her" I smiled at my plan. If it all goes to plan she should say yes...

"It sounds like it's gonna go perfect. Good luck!!" He called out to me as I exited the shop. Time for my singing lesson...


I sat down on an uncomfortable plastic seat as we waited for Caspar to come because he was late again...

"God, why is Caspar always late?" I sighed in anger. 

"Dude, chill.." Jack patted my back.

"What if she says no, Jack? What then?" I snapped at him. Stress and anxiety has been eating since I started this whole thing. 

"It's Hazel, she won't" Jim smiled. Jim, Jack, Conor and Marcus haven't met Hazel but they've seen my videos and vlogs with her in. 

"Yeah, she loves you to death." Marcus smiled at me. 

"Yeah I bet you've fucked" Conor commented and I punched his shoulder.

"Shut up, dick head" I mumbled. Everyone laughed though and at that moment Caspar came running in all pink faced.

"S-Sorry I'm late, I slept in, out of breath...r-r-ran here.." Caspar panted with his hands on his knees. I rolled my eyes at him and clicked my fingers in the direction of his seat. He nodded and sat down like an obedient dog. 

"Okay so first of all boys what we want to do is warm up our voices!" Our singing coach prepped us again, we've already had one of these lessons. I can't tell if it's doing anything or not. 

After singing lesson

The guys were collecting their items and leaving the building after saying a quick goodbye to each other. I gently tugged on Casp's shoulder trying to get him to turn around for me. He raised his eyebrows like he was asking me "Yeah?" 

"Uh, on the day I want you to be walking with Hazel. Uhm, she wants to see you because she misses you so I'll tell her that on Saturday you're gonna come over. You're going to take her on a walk in the park to the spot where I'm gonna propose. Lead her to where Conor is and we'll all start to join in, okay?" Caspar grinned and nodded.

"Noted. See ya round, mate" He patted my back and left the building. I sighed and grabbed my things. I checked my pocket for the ring that I had showed the others during the rehearsal. With that I thanked the coach and left.  

2 days left...


QOTC: Favourite TV show??

QOTCA: WELL right now it's Supernatural but tbh it changes all the time so lol idk


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