Chapter 53 - Loneliness

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"Everybody wants to know if we fucked on the bathroom sink" I sang under my breath while I packed up some of my remaining clothes into suitcase. I've been so bored by myself and it's only been 1 day and a half. "They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange!" I sang a bit louder. I finished packing my clothes within a few seconds and ended up dancing around the apartment. Music is like my only friend at the moment. Joe and Caspar's phones, wallets, everything was taken from them so I can't even speak to them. They went straight from Vidcon to filming their movie. I sat on the settee with my feet curled beneath my butt when my phone vibrated.

1 New message from: Luke, 1 New Message from: Troye <3

My face lit up and a smile spread across my face. I missed these guys. 

From: Luke

Hey Hazel, I've missed you. Call me sometime, yeah? x

I quickly typed a reply.

To: Luke

Of course! I've missed you too bro! x

From: Troye <3

Hey bestie why have you been pieing me?! xxx

To: Troye <3

I'm so sorry! Just me and Joe are moving in together and I guess life has been busy but I missed you! xxx

From: Troye <3

Oh my gosh! I've been waiting for this to happen! But I missed you too ! AH I wanna see you so bad xxx

To: Troye <3 

SAME! xxx

I put my phone down and scavenged through the kitchen for food. All I could find was a few hocolate hob nob biscuits and no matter how much I love them, they aren't a dinner meal. I sighed and went onto Joe's computer so I could order myself some  food. (I almost made something VERY bad happen here so you're welcome I didn't) I just ordered a pizza with chips and waited impatiently for my dinner to arrive. The apartment seemed so empty it felt so weird without Joe being there since I was so used to him being there. This is going to be a long month..

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