Chapter 26 - ring

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Joe and Caspar moved out of their shared apartment so I decided to go see Caspar. I begged my parents to lend me some money because I still need to look for a job but I managed to convince them to let me go. I decided to surprise Caspar so I haven't told him. I stepped off the airplane and walked through the airport to get my bags. I stuck both my earphones into my ears and blasted Sia very loud. I grabbed my bag from the conveyor belt and made my way outside to my Uber. 

As I arrived at Caspar's  new apartment Elastic Heart came on and a smile appeared on my face because every time I hear this song I want to dance and sing until my heart is content. I skipped up to his door and knocked with a smirk on my face. I looked to my feet until the door opened and I saw, Joe. My eyes narrowed at him even though on the inside I was dying because he looked really hot and It took me everything not to hug him and tell him never to let me leave. But I glared at him hoping he would understand I don't want to speak to him. His face looked shocked, as if he didn't expect me, because he didn't. Well the demons are actually right this time.  "Where's Caspar?" I asked coldly avoiding his gaze. "Um, a-at...he's in the bathroom." I sighed loudly and pushed past Joe to get into the house.  I sat on the small couch (I don't know what it looks like sorry) hoping to get away from Joe but instead he followed my steps and sat next to me. He nervously looked down to his hands and I followed his gaze and I noticed on his left hand he had a gold ring on his middle finger. I bit my lip and looked away keeping my feelings in a tight ball with a giant lock wrapped around it. My mouth stayed in a straight line until I heard the bathroom door unlock and I quickly turned around and saw Caspar in a towel. I let a smile creep onto my face as I ran up to Caspar and gave him the biggest hug. "I missed you, so, so much." I whispered into his shoulder. "Me too" He whispered back. He glanced up at Joe then back at me and his eyes showed signs of guilt. I shook my head at him to warn him not to talk about it right now.  I let go of Caspar and saw Joe texting on his phone, probably Brit... I shook the thought out of my head and swirled around to look at Casp again. "Can we order pizza? I'm dying from starvation!" I joked rubbing my belly like a Sim character. Caspar quickly nodded his head and whipped his phone out before ordering some PIZZA!

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