Chapter 36 - Date night, Part 1

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My breathing became heavy and more apparent. Everything started to shake and twist like I was standing still while the world rotated beneath my feet. Tears stung my eyes again as I ferociously wiped at them in an attempt to rid of them. I could hear my heart pounding, it felt as though if it was to beat any louder it would beat out of my chest. I felt like I was crazy. I felt as though I was dying, I felt as though I may as well be dying. Dying would be less pain than the pain I feel now. I get panic attacks from small thing, small things that shouldn't make me worried, or anxious, in any way. I clenched my fists to try and stop my heaving breathing. I shook my head and tilted my head back with a loud sigh before staring at a light. 

"Hazel!" Joe ran over to me but I couldn't look at him because all I could see was death and hear death. "Hazel, take a deep breathe. I'm with you, you're safe with me." Joe's words calmed me down a little bit. Death was put at the back of my head but my breathing and heart race was at an all time high. "I love you Hazel, you can do this for me. Come on, breathe in and out." He gently rubbed circles on my hand and back, soothing me. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the back of the settee. I sighed loudly as my breathing calmed down and my heart race had slowed down. Suddenly I felt very tired and I couldn't help but fall asleep with Joe holding me.

When I woke up I felt Joe next to me. I didn't want to wake him so I reached for my phone for the time. I saw it was already 9 and me and Joe were meant to go on a date today. 

"Joe...babe....the date" I whispered into his ear and he  covered it. 

"My ear is ticklish" He giggled like a little girl, I rolled my eyes and kissed him to wake him up. I saw a small smirk on his face as he groggily opened his eyes. "Shit our date" He said as he saw the time on his phone. 

"Yeah, that's why I woke you up, sorry." I said, starting to feel guilty for waking Joe up. Joe laughed.

"Don't apologise for it! We can just watch some movies and I can cook you some spaghetti? I'm really good at spaghetti!" He happily chirped at me. I smiled at him and nodded as he let go of me and skipped to Caspar's kitchen...

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