Chapter 80 - Midnight Chatting

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A/n: Sorry about the lack of uploads, I just feel really shitty atm and I'm going through some stuff so just beare  with me pleasee x

Hazel's POV

I inspected the plain white ceiling above me while I lay in bed with the duvet up to my neck. I watched white light dance around the room from the crack in the drawn curtains. I listened to the sounds of the engines of the cars and the, every so often, beep of a cars horn or a siren. I spent what felt like hours inspecting every sound and sight I could hear and see.

"Joe.." I whispered just in case he was asleep, which was most likely. I heard a shuffle and his body turned to me. 

"Yeah baby?"

"I'm sorry I ruined your birthday..I really am...I didn't want that to happen..."

" it's fine. I'd rather you do that in front of me instead of keeping inside." I felt tears dwell in my eyes because of the letter but also for no reason.  I guess my pregnancy hormones are starting to properly hit me now.. "Don't cry.."

"I'm sorry I keep crying. My hormones are everywhere.." I tried to dry my eyes but more tears would appear straight after. "Sing to me.."

"What song.." Joe brought his arms around me. 

"Your choice.."

"Is One Direction okay?"

"If it's a good song.." I smiled. 1D aren't bad I guess I've just never really been able to get into their music.

"The front pages are your pictures, They make you look so small, How could someone not miss you at all?" He rubbed my back while singing with his beautiful voice. 

"I never would mistreat ya, Oh I'm not a criminal, I speak a different language but I still hear your call." He paused for a moment. "Diana, Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes, You've been lonely, You don't even know me, But I can feel you crying, Diana,Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life, I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine." Joe kept singing in his tired voice until I felt myself drift off to sleep. 

A/n: 1. yeah it was short i have no writing ideas atm  2. I'm not the biggest fan of 1D but I legit think this is such a beautiful song so you should listen to it :-)

QOTC: What is your favourite item of clothing that you own?

QOTCA: Well it's either my red and black flannel I got in America bc I'm obsessed with that or my 5 Seconds of Summer top that I wore to the concert (It's the skull one not the old tally mark symbol bc I'm not a fake fan) mostly because it was in the same space as my idols :-)

sorry about the lack of updates but I love you  x

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