Chapter 7- I'm not "In Love"

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Caspar embraced me in a B.F.G hug, covering me in his fragrance. I sniffled trying to keep back the tears dwelling in my eyes. Caspar left the hug but was still lightly holding onto my arms.

"Hazel, You love him." I looked up at him.

"I'm not "In Love"." I stated using my fingers with air quotes. He raised an eyebrow at my sassiness but carried on speaking.

"You may not be "In love" with him but I see the way you've been looking at him. I see the way you blush whenever he leaned over you to get the remote or the way you became tense when he touched you. Trust me I HAVE been in love and that's what it's like. You may be my little cousin but at least If you dated Joe I would know you aren't with a complete butt hole!" He let out a heavy sigh after finishing his giant speech.

I closed my eyes to think about what was happening. I have only really known Joe for a week, is it possible to "fall in love" with someone in that time.

"Listen Caspar. It could...may be a possibility but he has a girlfriend now anyway so- yeah. Thank you anyway." I said biting my lip to try and not look as miserable as I felt. Caspar nodded before taking my hand and leading me back into their apartment.



I took out my earphone bud and paused my 'BLUE' Playlist which ironically had the song 'BLUE' By Troye Sivan in it. I listened carefully to Joe and Caspar's conversation. At the moment I was on Joe's bed because this is where I have been staying. Joe usually just sleeps on the couch even though I feel bad and always offer him his room. There's no denying that Joe is a true gentleman.

"Joe, who is Shannon."

"My...girlfriend? Is this a trick question?"

"NO! Your a dumb you know?" 

I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion.


"Hazel clearly likes you!"

I gasped and hand planted myself. Caspar can NOT keep secrets. I've learnt that the hard way 3x now.


"When we were taking earlier outside, she had a panic attack because-"


"Because it was over you and Shan or whatever her name is."


I heard Joe's footsteps as he came closer to his door. I sat up as Joe walked in. He ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. I slowly hugged him back .

"I'm sorry" He whispered into my ear...........

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