Chapter 70- It's All About You

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A/n: Here it is...The chapter you've been waiting for... can I also say my heart is racing and I'm shaking while writing this but idk why lol, enjoy! (I'm crying, this has been a chapter I've been planning since day 1, I'm such a baby!)

Hazel's POV

"Hey, let's go for a walk in the park.." Caspar suggested. 

"Yeah sure, I'll just go put my shoes on, one minute." Caspar nodded and nervously looked at the time on his phone, strange. I quickly put on my converse and waited for Caspar to get up. He was typing quickly on his phone. "Casp?" He looked up and ran over to me. 

We started to make our way around the park which was quite busy because it was a Saturday. 

"Uhm, let's go this way.." Caspar linked his arm with mine and pulled me to the center. There was a circle of people on the outside of the circle. Caspar pulled me into the center and my eyes widened. 

"What are you doing?" I hissed at Caspar but he didn't reply he just kept our arms linked in the center of the circle of people. I looked up to see Conor Maynard. 

"So the next song I'm going to sing is dedicated to that lady right there" He pointed to me and my cheeks flushed a pink colour. "I'm also getting a bit of help so yeah..." The music started to play and Conor sang beautifully.  

"It's all about you...It's all about you baby.." I smiled at him. I noticed the camera in the corner, I guess he's filming a video. I shuffled my feet when suddenly Caspar joined in with Conor and walked up to where Conor was standing. I let out a nervous laugh.

"Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too..." Then Alfie made his way into the circle out of no where. Then Jim joined in. Jack ran in and started to dance stupidly in front of me. I was laughing so hard.  Marcus came out in full gangster clothes and started to rap. He blew me a kiss and joined the other boys who were swaying side to side and clicking. I heard everyone awh and Caspar turned me around.  

Standing in front of me was Joe with a bouquet of flowers. 

"And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me too. But if you deny me one of your kisses. Don't know what I'd do"  All the boys came behind Joe and carried on singing. I had tears in my eyes, tears of joy. I felt a pair of hands on either side of my shoulders, I looked on each side to see my parents. I screamed and hugged them tightly. They began to sing with the boys as well. I looked to my right and saw two familiar faces smiling down at me, Troye and Luke. I hugged them as well and they sang with the others. I looked to my left and saw Lily smiling at me. I hugged her as well. I was in a full happy breakdown now. Tears where falling from my eyes at the speed of knots and I couldn't stop shaking. All the people I love where right in front of me. Suddenly the ring of people slowly started to join in..

I whispered the lyrics under my breath. 

"It's all about-" Everyone quietened and Joe sang by himself.

"You...." Joe got down on one knee, placing the flowers by the side of his leg. He got out a small box. My eyes widened, Oh my god. He opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring. 

"Hazel, I've loved you since the day we met. I've given up countless relationships to be with you because in the end you're the only girl I've ever really loved. I promised I would marry you, so here I am. Down on one knee. Asking you if you'll do me the honor of being my wife?" I held my hand over my mouth. I rapidly nodded my head and everyone's nervous faces lit up. He slid the ring onto my wedding finger then sprung up and hugged me before twirling me around. Everyone in the crowd started to cheer and clap. 

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