Chapter 32 - Fan fiction

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A/n: If anyone is being bullied or feeling sad or going through something bad at the moment watch this video, I mean you've probably seen it but it makes me cry every time and it's so beautiful. Keep smiling lovelies <3

As Joe started to run his bath I opened my laptop and opened a new tab. I searched up Wattpad and smiled as my recommended box popped up. I let out a small laugh as I saw 3 Joe fan fictions suggested and 2 Jacob Sartorius (idk if that's how you spell his name) ones. I hesitated slightly as my mouse hovered over the Joe fan fiction called "The Only Reason" (I'm not sure if that's a real one lol). I pressed down on my track pad and the first chapter popped up. My eyes carefully scanned over each word and each chapter became the next chapter and I was hooked. I was 1/4 of the way through and tears were already in my eyes because they had broken up and life was terrible for them. I heard the bath draining and I quickly added it to my library before deleting the tab. I lay back and opened Twitter looking through my feed aimlessly. From the corner of my eye I could see Joe in his dark blue jeans and black top but everything was sticking to him because he was still wet (innuendo oops). His hair was in groups on the top of his head as It was all flopping aimlessly about but it looked really hot. My voice let out a squeak but I couldn't speak to him for some reason. He took the towel from his shoulder and dried his hair with it and my mouth hung open a little bit. Joe looked at me and smiled, he opened his mouth to say something but the ringing of his phone stopped him. He held up one finger to say "One second" before he turned his back on me and spoke into his phone. My smile faded into a sad frown, what a fun night...

A/n: My name isn't exciting by the way and it's a basic avocado. Also all your comments last time were so cute mine are- My amazing best friends, YouTube, 5SOS, Troye Sivan, Fan Fictions and most guys. You always support me and it has helped me 100% and my form teacher is helping me through the bullying and if you are being bullied I promise telling someone will help, please please dm me if you are because I want to give you guys the same support you give me! <3 - Holly xxxx

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