Chapter 66- Cuddles?

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"Joe? I'm home!" I called as I walked into our apartment. I heard faint gibberish coming from our bedroom. I walked into our room quietly. At first I saw his blinding lights and camera set up on tripods. My eyes flicked over to Joe who was sat on the bed with his laptop on his knees.
"Next question- HAZEL'S HOME!" He shouted like an excited child on Christmas when he saw me. I giggled and sat next to him on the bed.
"Hey, sugglets!" I smiled into the camera and interlocked my pinky with Joe's for comfort. I'm still a nervous nelly.
"Okay so user SuggxHugg on Twitter asked: Have you and Hazel told each other that you love each other?" My face lit up at the fans question.
"Yeah, actually yesterday we said it a lot..." I nervously laughed and glanced at Joe who was nodding happily which meant I must be doing it right.
"Since Haze is here now I guess we'll answer some questions involving her. Okay so KyeXJoe on Twitter asked: What is you and Hazel's love story?"
"UHM... Well I'm obviously Caspar's Cousin so I came down to visit him and I guess me and Joe connected. One time when we first met Joe and I had fallen asleep on the couch and he had his arm loosely around me so Me, Caspar and Joe got in a big fight over nothing"
"Yeah, we've had a lot of ups and downs but I think we're finally on an up" he kissed my cheek again.
"MrsHemmo96 asked: what do you love most about Hazel?"
"Can I just say really quick, your a fan of 5sos and so am I so virtual high five" I quickly fan girled before realising what I said and looking away from the camera. Joe laughed at me.
" I love lots of things about Hazel but I love when she gets embarrassed, her face goes pink and she buries her head in my shoulder or chest or in pillows. I also love when she is sweet to you guys. She's really cute" He gushed and I couldn't help but kiss him.
"Why? I enjoyed that"
"Because you're recording..."
"Yolo" I rolled my eyes and Joe ended the video with his usual outro. He packed away his lights and took the memory card out of the camera and plugged that into his laptop. Joe started to edit and was sat editing for hours.
"Joeeeee" I whined from downstairs on the settee.
"Whatttt?" He whined impersonating me.
"I need you." I heard some shuffling and banging before he came plodding down the steps and in front of me.
"What's wrong?"
"I'm bored" I made a sad face.
"Really Hazel?"
"I-...- I have to edit the video for Sugg Sunday"
"Babe you've got ages"
"I've only got tomorrow and tonight"
"You can't have that much left just do it tomorrow, PLEASEEE" he sighed and bent down to get eye level with me.
"YAY!" I sat up and patted the seat next to me. He sat down and pulled me closer to him. He had his arm around my back and I was leaning my head against his shoulder. "I'm tired" I yawned so Joe reached over me to get the blanket and wrapped it around me.
"Go to sleep, cupcake.." He kissed my head and played with my hair until I fell asleep....

A/n: I'll try to update again so it's a double update since this was short but yesterday's was super long so :-)

QOTC: Favourite YouTuber?

QOTCA: I have a lot, Shane, Joe, Zoe, Alfie, Tanya etc

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