Chapter 90 - The last chapter

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"No! Joe- that's not how you hold her" I giggled taking Tiff into my arms. "See this is how you hold her"

"Alright Mrs Know it all"

"That's Mrs Sugg to you" I smirked at my husband who looked fed up with me.

"That's so cringey, babe." I jutted my lip out and look down in a sad fashion.

"You made mama sad" Tiffany began to poke at my face, dragging my cheeks up and down.

"I didn't mean to. She made a bad joke" Joe looked down at his daughter with a warm smile. Affection laced his every word.

"I think mama jokes funny" Tiffany bounced in my arms begging to be put on the ground again.

"Tiff , darling, we need to get ready. All your family and friends are coming over." I smiled at the young girl in my arms. She made a strange squeaky noise but continued to wiggle in my arms.

The sound of a knock was heard coming from the door which made Tiffany freak out even more. I opened the door to reveal my wonderful cousin.

"HELLO!" Caspar bellowed loudly as he entered the house. At this point Tiffany was practically leaping into "unc casp's" arms.

"Listen Tiffany, I'm going to put you down but you must follow uncle Caspar around and not run off, okay?" I stared into Tiffany's grey eyes doing my best to stay serious to teach her. Of course she payed no attention and just grinned up at me. I playfully shook my head at her and stood her on the laminated floor. She carefully waddled over to Caspar before I heard Zoe and Alfie arrive. Alfie was of course Vlogging like he always is but Zoe couldn't contain her smile as she came up the path.

Zoe engulfed me in a hug then bent down to pay plenty of attention to my daughter. Alfie followed Zoe's actions.

Guest after guest arrived, friends then family like aunties, cousins, grandparents, parents., etc .

Our New Year's Eve party was even more challenging than me and Joe had suspected. At first it was hard to get all our friends and close family here at the same time due to everyone being scattered across the globe. Somehow we managed to steal Luke and Troye while they were on their hiatus.

Tanya and Jim were sat with Tiff and their little boy Mikey. The sight was heart melting; Tiffany kept showing Mikey how to 'correctly cook' with her mini fake pink oven. Mikey had 0 clue what she was on about though since he still struggled to walk on two feet without support.

We let a random radio play in the background of the many conversations that lit up the room. Although no one was really listening I was. A certain song began to ring through the speakers, a simple song, a well known song. Night changes by One Direction. Even though I have never been a big fan of them I still appreciated this song for what it is. As the lyrics stuck to my brain (like every other song) my eyes scanned the room landing on every person.

My heart began to droop and I felt a lump form in my throat.

We're only getting older baby.

My eyes landed on my mother and father who seemed closer than ever before- a sight that I had been waiting for since I could speak.

Does it ever drive you crazy?

I watched my two best friends try and catch grapes in their mouth. They were adults in a room with younger people than them yet they still acted the youngest...

Just how fast the night changes?

Memories flooded back from the first time I met Joe to our first stupid fight. And the 'josh incident' with Luke. Or the fact that I dumped Joe to go on tour with Troye. All old memories that ranged from amazing to awful. Yet all seemed special to me.

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