Chapter 82 - I promise

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A/n: my science teacher just told me not to worry about it so I still have never had a detention #Blessed. My sister just dropped an umbrella into my eye and my ankle feels sprained as shit please help me :-(

We received floods of tweets, direct messages, emails, texts and calls after our video. I had sent it to my family who had all responded with happy replies. Caspar is coming over tonight and we're going to celebrate. To be honest I felt so up and down my emotions. I was laughing one minute then crying over burning my pizza, tragic - I know. I was petrified to have this baby. I felt too young. 

"Joe you don't think we're too young for this...right?" I turned my head to look at Joe the best I could in our cuddling position on the couch.  His hand was over my still relatively flat belly rubbing it up and down. 

"No. Listen I love you, we're going to get married anyway and we're going to want babies then so why not just have one now? It's going to be fine baby don't worry. "

"But what if you leave me?"

"That's what you're worried about? Oh god no. Do you really think I would go to all that effort to propose to you if I didn't love you? If I love you I'm never gonna leave you."

"Promise you'll stay with me?"

"You can't get rid of me that easy. I'm always gonna be with you. No matter what. I promise. " I smiled at my fiance then slipped my eyes shut. 

"God I'm so tired.."  I mumbled into the pillow behind my head. 

"That's pregnancy for you babe. You can sleep it's okay" 

"Are you sure? "

"Yeah of course."

"Here's the TV remote, you don't have to sleep if you don't want to."

"Won't the TV wake you up?"

"With me being as tired as I am, most likely not. Don't worry seriously. Night baby."

"Night, love." He kissed my cheek as I fell into a deep sleep that seemed to last forever.

A/n: I'm sorry it's short but my eye hurts really bad. I don't need sympathy but if you're wondering where the fuck I've been and why I haven't been updating i just feel down atm but DON'T WORRY! Also I have a crush who I liked when I was little and I ran around the yard trying to kiss his cheek (which I did successfully might I add ;-) but he's a lot better looking now lemme tell you. He probs wouldn't date me though bc I'm trash but OH WELLLLL

QOTC: Do you have a partner? (I ain't gonna put boyfriend bc you might like girls or something which HIGH FIVE DUDE, one of my best friend's is bisexual, shout out to her) 

QOTCA: lmao no who do you think I am? A pretty girl? PAHAHhAHA no of course not I am literal trash, why do I say trash? I'm British? See what the internet has done?


Ilysm x

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