Chapter 77- (Thanks for the) Memories

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A/n: I've decided the last chapter will be the wedding BUT don't delete this from your library because I'll do little update chapters and epilogues and shit :-)

"Joe do me a favor and go out to buy me two pregnancy tests?" Joe's eyes lit up. 

"Of course, baby. Do you think you might be pregnant?"

"I really don't know Joe but we tried and I feel...different" Joe kissed my cheek and grabbed his house keys before rushing out. I placed my hand on top of my belly. I felt different. I don't know how to describe it but it wasn't a normal feeling. I let my mind run free as I stared at my belly. The whole concept of a fetus actually being in another person is just plain weird when you really think about it. I heard the door unlock and Joe came back in. He handed me two tests and smiled at me. 

"Thanks, baby." I kissed his cheek before rushing off to the bathroom. I took the tests and left them on the bathroom counter top turned over so we couldn't see the result side. 

"Now we wait.." I took Joe's hand in mine but quickly let go, he looked confused and hurt. 

"What's wrong?" I turned to look at him. 

"I always kiss you and tell you I love you as a lover but I never get to hug you as a friend. You've always been there for me and I've never had the time to thank you as a friend." And with my mini speech I attacked Joe in a hug. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me, not in a lover way in a friend way. 

"Can I tell my vlog about this?" I nodded and linked our pinkies like always. 

"So guys we have something to tell you.  Some of you have been asking about if we want children after the proposal video and we had an incident the other day which made us realise how much we actually do want So we're taking a test now and I wanted to vlog this just in case it's positive and I want to be able to show all these videos to her or him when they've grown up which means I'm going to document all their life.." 

"Baby, it's time.." We both went into the bathroom and Joe pointed his camera down to the tests.  "I'll do the first you do the second.." 

I lifted my shaky hand to the tests resting place and slowly flipped it over. It had two clear lines on it. 

"Baby...that means you're pregnant" Joe looked at me with wide eyes and I felt happy tears in my eyes. Joe wasted no time turning over the second one, also positive.  "We're gonna have a baby.."

"We're gonna have a baby!" I squealed and hugged Joe. He filmed us. Most people would think that ruins the moment but it doesn't because we can look back at the footage and smile at the memory. 

"We know there's a chance we might loose the baby but we want to share this with you so yes, there will - as long as nothing goes wrong - be a baby Sugg on the way.." I couldn't stop smiling and crying of happiness. This is what I want, I just know it.  "We're so unbelievably lucky! Usually you have to try loads to get pregnant but...damn...we did it!" Joe sounded like he was in such shock. But then again so was I...

A/n: There you go you lazy hoe. I went back to school today and everyone came up to me and asked if I dyed my hair, if I got told off or if I dyed it red LIKE no it became red over night -_- People whispered about it all day but by whisper I mean shout with their hand over their mouth because I could hear every word.  I'm not popular at all btw. This guy made fun of me and tons of people laughed so yeah OH and I had an anxiety attack before I went because I was afraid of people laughing at me like they did so that's great :-|

QOTC: Are you wearing socks?

QOTCA: Yeassss

Ily stay strong, beautiful X

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