Chapter 42 - Failed plan

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Joe's POV (you are extremely welcome my lovelies!!)

I kept refreshing my Twitter feed, waiting to see if Hazel would see it. I groaned in frustration as I saw nothing appear from her until I saw her little photo pop. I almost threw my phone across the room in shock. I suddenly felt guilt spread through my body, I don't want her to be upset.I looked at the Tweet she had made in shock. 

She actually called us a cute couple. This wasn't meant to happen. She said she's happy for us. My plan has failed. Now she thinks that we're a cute couple and she has seen the fucking video I made.

You see, after I lost Hazel my whole body went into depression. It was like I was hibernating. After a day or so of sleeping and eating take away pizza and Chinese food, I got my act together. I needed a video for Sunday and Brit was still in the U.K. I went to go speak to her and we got back together, of course she doesn't know I'm still in love with Hazel. I ended up filming a "Girlfriend Tag!" Video with her. I acted for the camera, you know - smiling and all that shit. I posted things on Twitter when Brit went back to L.A purely to make Hazel jealous. She hadn't text me or called me or anything. And that annoyed me. So I uploaded the video and put it on all my social medias, well the ones I knew Hazel had me on. My plan was to get Hazel jealous so she would come back to me. But I can tell from that one tweet she isn't happy. I have probably made her feel like crap from all the shit I have lied about on Twitter and Snapchat about me and Brit.

If I'm honest I'm barely attracted to Brit. Now I feel guilty for using Brit and making Hazel feel like shit. I liked her Tweet before replying.


Seriously Joe? Just "Thanks" Not even a full stop? Harsh much. Too late now to go back though..

A/n: You lil hoes were bugging me for more so yaa also this is like so informative so yaa you're very welcome!!!!

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