Chapter 47 - you

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A/n: I'm writing this on my crappy tablet and my sister is next to me so sorry for mistakes or if it's short but I felt bad because there was no uodate BUT I HAVE AN IDEA!!! So from my previous chapters there have been clear fans of different artists, Troye Sivan, My chemical romance, 5 seconds of summer, etc. So I decided to create a day where all my..."fans?" I don't know what to call you, readers? Yeah not fans - my readers and I have a day dedicated to a musical artist. SO ON TWITTER, INSTAGRAM ALL THAT SHIZ WE JUST YOLO IT! SO ON SUNDAY (5th June) IT'S GONNA BE 5SOS DAY!Okay so my twitter is @/joesugglove11 and my instagram is @/ or @/ I can't remember oops. THE HASHTAG WILL BE #FanFicts5sosDay EVEN JF YOU'RE NOT A FAN TAG ME AND I'LL SAY HEY AND FOLLOW SOME OF YOU GUYS. Please do this - NEXT DAY WILL BE YOUR CHOICE! anyway here's the story, enjoy :)

"Joe where are we?" I laughed as Joe held his hand over my eyes. I heard him curse under his breath before sighing.
"I can't do this one handed, open your eyes" As my eyes fluttered open and adjusted to the light, Joe was already ahead of me.
"Joe..did you bring me to a forest so you can rape me, beat me then abandon me?" I asked half joking half serious.
"Oh love, I wouldn't need to rape you - you already want to bang me.." I let out a cocky laugh before shaking my head.
"Joe you get too cocky sometimes, honestly" I ran up to where Joe was as he intertwined our fingers. I smiled at the gesture. I took a minute to appreciate our surroundings.
The birds were singing away to each other. I like to think the men birds are serenading the women birds...if that makes sense? The trees hugged us from every angle, towering up into the clouds. The small flakes of wood crunched beneath our feet.
"Mr Sugg why have you dragged me to a forest?"
"To ask you a...question" I stopped walking and let go of Joe's hand. I watched beads of sweat accumulate on his forehead as his eyes travelled around the forest. "Um, listen Hazel" I prepared myself for the worst. My nails dug into the palm of my hand in anxiety. I was scared and worried. I was scared he was going to tell me to fuck off and that this was all a prank. I was worried in case he told me he doesn't want to speak to me ever again. "I like you...I mean...scrap that- I love you" as the words left his perfectly shaped mouth I gasped. There is no way joe loved me, surely not, it must me a dream again.
"You're not pranking me right?"
"Of course not Haz."
" you too." Joe's lips curved upwards into a smile.
"Please do me the honour of being my girlfriend"
"Holy shit- I of course" I tried to calm my shit and get my act together but Joe kissed me full of passion anyway. He pulled out a small box from his jacket pocket.
"Here, open it" he handed me the delicate, petite box. I shakily opened the box and gasped again. A shiny ring shone light onto the trees as the sun reflected off it.
"It's beautiful" I gasped. Small vines were engraved into it. He showed his hand that had the same ring on his middle finger....the same one he had when he was with Brittany. "Joe isn't that the same ring you had with Brit?"
"it was never a promise ring with her, it was being made when I wore it..." I smiled once more,m wondering how someone like me could become so lucky.
"You know I've never told anyone I love them" I whispered as Joe walked me through the gorgeous forest."well only my family, I've never loved anyone the same way I love you."...

A/n: there you are my cherribs, IM COMING HOME TOMORROW WOOOO! I'm also getting take away but I have loads of homework :( . PLEASE REMEMBER TO DO THE HASHTAG IT WOULD MEAN THE WORLD TO ME

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