Chapter 63- Prince Charming

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A/n: HI I DIDN'T DIE - WOOP - lol I'm at a sleepover but i haven't updated in forever and a day so MERRY CHRISTMAS, bABES! Okay ily byE. PS. I'm almost halfway to 100K and like I just want to quickly thank everyone for reading this, if you miss me when this is over you can go read my others and dm me and stuff cause I know I'll miss you guys :-( x

Me and Joe have been kind of distant since our intimate experience. After our activities we had fallen asleep and when I woke up Joe was gone. He had left me a note saying he was out restocking on groceries for my parents before we left, I found that quite cute. I ended up getting up and putting my phone in my portable speaker. I logged onto Spotify and played my '10/10 BEST MUSIC' playlist.

"You don't gotta say anything..." I sang as I tidied around the house. I love San Francisco by 5 Seconds Of Summer. It gives me feels every time. I felt a tear in my eye as I carried on singing the end. "Fuck.." I whimpered as I threw my head back to stop the tears in my eyes. If you didn't already know, I'm a very over emotional person, I take things to heart. I cry over songs. I am a crybaby. Finally I wiped my eyes as the song ended and I carried on tidying my parents' house. 

It felt weird to say "Parents'" house.  It had always been my family house and now it was just my mum and dad's. Reality hit me and I was honestly shocked. I always dreamed of finding a prince charming who would treat me like a princess, and I found one. As I grew up I thought I may never find my Prince Charming because no one would date me, but I did. A smile crept onto my lips. I did it, I found my Prince Charming.

I temporarily pushed away the happy thought and carried on putting away blankets and did the washing up. 

I had almost finished cleaning when the front door was slammed shut.  "BABE?" I heard Joe's call. I ran to the door and jumped on him, wrapping my legs around his torso. He simply laughed and held my thighs. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing I just realised I found my Prince Charming..." I jumped down from Joe and instead hugged him. 

"You're leaving me for a Prince Charming?" Joe asked jokily. I playfully hit his chest and shook my head.

"Joe, you're my Prince Charming. As a little girl I swore I would find a Prince Charming and I" Joe smiled at me and kissed me. It wasn't a rough kiss. It was a gentle kiss. He didn't need to say anything back to me because the kiss said everything for him. It told me he loves me and that he's never gonna let me go. 

"I love you."

"I love you."



"One day I'm going to marry you...I promise" I looked up at Joe with shock. Joe said he was going to marry me. My smile grew bigger and I hugged him tighter.

"The day you ask me to marry you will be one of the best days of my life..." I mumbled into his chest....

A/n: QUESTION OF THE CHAPTER IS BACK WOOP! Okay I kind of cried to a 5SOS song today...don't judge me...

QOTC: What country are you from?

QOTCA: England -_-

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