Chapter 13 - Honeymoon Avenue Singing

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After me and Joe's kiss Caspar had woken up. He had said he was okay with it but then he gave Joe a lecture and stuff, we aren't even dating so I don't know what's up with that? 

As I got ready I put my music on my speaker. Suddenly Ariana Grande came on with her "Honeymoon Avenue" came on and I jumped around the room, swirling around while belting out the lyrics.

"Stuck in the same old lane!" I sang loudly putting my shirt on.


"I feel like my HEARTISSTUCKINBUMPERTOBUMPERTRAFFIC!!!!" I screamed but sang at the same time.

"I'm under pressure..." I sang properly swaying side to side.

"Cause I can't have you the way that I want..."

"When we were on Honeymoon Avenue..." I stopped singing and got the rest of my clothes on before turning it off. 

I opened my door to see Joe and Caspar with stunned expressions. 

"Were you snooping on me?" I asked raising my eyebrow and folding my arms. Caspar shook his head quickly but Joe nudged him and they both nodded their heads. I laughed and rolled my eyes before walking into my kitchen. I heard the shower start and Caspar singing. I rolled my eyes again before I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I smelt Joe's strong cologne as he leant in and kissed my cheek. 

"Hi.." I whispered awkwardly.

"Hi..." He whispered back. He spun me around to face him before he held my face and kissed me. I loved the kiss but I couldn't do this, it didn't feel...right? I backed out of the kiss and Joe looked at me confused and hurt..

"Sorry, Joe, It's just we aren't even dating and you were my first kiss and you just broke up with Shannon and..."

"I get it Hazel, it's fine." He said hugging me in a friendly way. I smiled and Joe smiled back as I let go of him.

I heard Caspar stomp up the steps as he saw me and Joe looking in to each others eyes he "Awhhhh"d and grabbed his clothes before stomping back down the stairs..

A/n: This is crap sorry.

I realised this story doesn't make sense because Jaspar don't live together any more so this is kind of stupid so I might get rid of it?... 


QOTC:  Favourite member of the YouTube Boyband (They are my phone case XD)

QOTCA: Joe, Alfie or Jim - Sorry Marcus and Caspar!

I love you all 

- Stay bad bitches <3

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